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Denmark Funds Purchase of 18 Slavonic Bohdana Howitzers for Kyiv – Information Important Online

Denmark has funded the acquire of 18 Ukrainian-made 2S22 Bohdana howitzers for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), which are due to come in the reaching months.

Developed and manufactured domestically in Ukraine, the Bohdana 2S22 self-propelled armament grouping fires NATO-standard 155mm projectiles. The estimated outlay of apiece container is $2.5 million. Details of the theoretical specifications and utilization crapper be seen in the Kyiv Post psychotherapy here.

155mm is among the most coercive armament systems fielded by land to defeat container columns, accomplish arms depots and fortuity up bulletproof attacks, and the added Bohdanas funded by Kobenhavn module reenforce Ukraine’s firepower against Slavonic targets.

The Nordic Ministry of Defense, in its press release, said it settled the visit in outflow 2024 in what it titled a “paradigm agitate in the gift effort” by direct placing orders with Ukraine’s accumulation industry.

“In this way, we secure that the equipment that the Ukrainians obligation at the face crapper be produced and delivered near by. It provides whatever manifest supplying advantages patch serving to physique the accumulation business in Ukraine. Here, Ukrainian-produced armament pieces endeavor a bicentric persona as a airman project,” says Nordic Defense Minister Troels metropolis Poulsen.

Denmark also titled for another countries to equip direct in Ukraine’s accumulation industry.

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Defending Slavonic Skies – What Does Polska Have to Offer?

On July 8 land and Polska subscribed a section cooperation commendation which included a dedication to study the ingest of Polish expose defenses to grab Slavonic missiles in Slavonic airspace.

“I wish that more countries module study the Nordic support for acquisition in Ukraine. The Ukrainians’ opportunities to display equipment are greater than the resource they hit correct now. Therefore, there is a enthusiastic possibleness for kindred agreements to display more equipment in land and at the aforementioned instance support physique the accumulation business in Ukraine,” metropolis Poulsen said.

In April, President Volodymyr Zelensky said land was healthy to display 10 Bohdana systems per period and crapper wait accumulated creation in the future, superior the content of sextet units per period planned for in New 2023.

In January, author pledged to display 78 comic self-propelled 155mm howitzers – praised for their firepower and modern blast curb – for land over the instruction of the year.

According to Oryx, a land open-source info accumulation psychotherapy website, Ukraine’s Western allies hit committed and delivered a amount of 559 self-propelled 155mm howitzers of different models to the country, in constituent to 243 towed 155mm armament units.

However, the EU’s quality to display sufficiency 155mm ammunition, as shown in recent reports, probable relic a narrowing in serving land attain blast vantage considering Moscow’s knowledge to procure jillions of rounds domestically and finished North Korea to uphold its struggle in Ukraine.

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