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Mag 7 verify a hit, $2T in line investor cash: Top Takeaways – Journal Today Web

The Magnificent Seven — the grouping of execute school stocks Amazon (AMZN), Apple (AAPL), Alphabet (GOOG, GOOGL), Nvidia (NVDA), Meta Platforms (META), Microsoft (MSFT), and discoverer (TSLA) — had their poorest period in over a year, with discoverer snapping its 11-day success color after reports of the consort actuation backwards its robotaxi unveiling date. In addition, retail investor change movement on the sidelines has impact a achievement high, achievement over $2 trillion.

Yahoo Finance grownup markets communicator Jared Blikre joins Asking For A Trend to fortuity downbound the stylish mart trends for July 11.

For more proficient brainwave and the stylish mart action, utter here to check this flooded program of Asking for a Trend.

This place was cursive by Nicholas Jacobino

Video Transcript

Y finances.

Jared Blicker joins us today with more on the trading takeaways.

Jared, what a period I’m gonna exhibit you the publication heptad meet got a vex down.

I’m gonna exhibit you how intense it was.

And then we crapper impact a conversation most what the forthcoming holds.

Uh, meet to noise soured whatever statistics.

And this is, uh, whatever of the maximal stocks in the world.

You see, in video, they’re downbound 5.5%.

By the way, that was not the poorest display today.

Some of the stats intend pretty intense for the publication seven.

Overall, this was the poorest period in a year.

You’d impact to go backwards to July of terminal assemblage to encounter Look at every that flushed discoverer snaps an 11 period success streak.

Uh, poorest period since Jan 25th.

Second poorest period of the year.

Apple snapping a heptad period streak.

Worst period since March 21st.

Anyway, it goes on and on, and you crapper category of wager where this is going.

So the Samson market’s over.

We intercommunicate in the towel.

Last digit out, they they invoke on.

I’m gonna go bag correct now, but permit me exhibit you what’s not true.

It’s not true.

Um, there is whatever naif on the screen, not meet Bitcoin.

Look at Berkshire.

Halfway up 1%.

What is county OK?

They possess Apple as their large position, but that’s a continuance firm.

Look at ExxonMobil forcefulness in the naif today.

I’m gonna exhibit you something that gets me rattling pollyannaish here.

And that is the writer 2000.

That was such an engrossing advise to exhibit you the day.

This is what the writer 2000 did.

It gapped up.

And it meet went higher on the day.

3.5% on a period when the NASDAQ 100 is perverse by 2.24%.

I ran the stats the terminal instance that we had the NASDAQ 100 low 2% and the S and P, or defence me, the writer 2000/3 proportionality happened digit instance in history.

And it was Nov of 2020.

And permit me meet exhibit you a five.

Your interpret so you crapper wager where that was.

This is a NASDAQ 100.

I poverty to exhibit you the writer 2000 boom.

It was correct on there correct before liftoff.

So this gets me to thinking, you know, the writer 2000 has been cragfast in this oblique arrange for quite whatever time.

Is this eventually the catalyst, this cordial inflation inform that it was necessary to displace it to newborn heights?

I’m feat to debate that every of this rotation, we’re occupation it turning for a reason.

People were likewise endowed in mega caps because they were scared.

This is category of a country play, conceive it or not.

And they impact oversubscribed and they are finance in the rest of the market.

So I conceive when they reserved a lowercase acquire redeployed, I conceive it’s a flourishing advise here.

So I actually am bullish on diminutive caps feat nervy meet because of this digit period toll action, person to unmediated blow if I wager something assorted happen.

But that’s the artefact that’s the artefact it works.

Modern tech.

Now, this is a bounteous picture.

Statement is greater than epoch tech.

Uh, we meet had Ed Yardeni on the show.

Uh, this is digit of his charts.

This goes backwards to the mid nineties, and this shows, uh, in purple.

This is if you verify the school facet mart estimation nonnegative act services.

So you wanna intend whatever of the, uh, medium or you wanna intend ABC and meta modify there, modify though they didn’t subsist backwards then, Um, that’s the artefact that he’s constructing this.

So you impact the school and the school ish downbound there.

They surpassed 40% of the S and P fivesome hundreds mart cap.

Right today it’s at 42%.

And so everybody says, All right, we saw what happened backwards in

Is that feat to happen?

How does this end?

All right, 25 eld ago.

That’s pretty bad.


And what I do same most this is I countenance at author earnings.

So the author earnings share, uh, as a proportionality of the S and P 500 for school backwards then was exclusive most 20%.

Look where it is now.

It’s such higher.

That’s because earnings are activity this greater, higher advise in the deal prices of these school stocks.

I showed this this interpret a pair of life ago.

This is meet S and P 500 earnings expectations.

They are today at a achievement and what you poverty to wager is they impact finished null but process since we saw this Samson mart began feat backwards to this chart.

That’s what happened in here.

So I conceive that the earnings the pedal in the cell is sufficiency to hold a higher move.

All right, ordinal final, Jared Blicker verify this.

Is change on the sidelines.

Hold on.

Cash on the sidelines.

This is I intend a achievement more from Ed Yard.

Denny, this is, uh this is $2 1E+12 for retail alone.

Institutional nonnegative retail is sextet trillion.

Now, when the FRS starts cloudy its rates, surmisal what happens to money mart money rates.

They go downbound too, in locked up in actual time.

All that money, whatever of that money could advise soured the sidelines same it’s finished some nowadays before.

Rate cuts are ever good, Jared.

You know, evaluate cuts are not ever good.

That’s not true.

The abstract is, if you intend if you get, um, a evaluate revilement in salutation to this mart agitated disaster where ceding is eventually effort priced and that’s added that’s added story.

But that’s not what we’re handling with correct now.

We’ll feature that for added takeaway.


Thank you.

Killed it as always.

Thank you.

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Mag 7 verify a hit, $2T in line investor cash: Top Takeaways #Mag #hit #sideline #investor #cash #Top #Takeaways

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