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Teen Franticly Called Police As Rabid Bear Tossed Her to Her Death – Information Today Internet

A 19-year-old blackamoor is departed after existence attacked by a bear that threw her soured a formation during a raise with her boyfriend. 

The victim, identified by the Daily Mail as Maria Diana, was hiking on the Jepii Mici dawdle in the Bucegi Mountains in Rumania at the instance of the incident on Tuesday, July 9.

Carpathian Mountains — hit image.


The blackamoor and her swain had both proven to occurrence topical crisis dispatchers during the attack, reported. 

The prototypal call reportedly came in from her boyfriend.  

He conversant Salvamont Prahova, a topical wager and delivery organization, that they were existence chased by a bear, and provided the official with their location, per

The activity said that around that aforementioned time, his lover also prefabricated a call to Salvamont Prahova, but it was revilement brief by the attack. 

“She was terrified… you crapper tell, she was screaming: ‘The assume is effort fireman and closer!’” said Dan Banu, nous of Salvamont Prahova.

bear — hit image.


“Everything happened live, the 112 [emergency line] official was on the sound and the teen Negro was outcry that they were existence attacked by a assume and that he had condemned the girl. It was something terrible! He told us that the assume grabbed the blackamoor by digit handicap and was dragging her after he and, at whatever point, he didn’t wager what he did with her. The assume dragged her from the line and threw her 120 meters into the valley,” Banu continued. 

The teen blackamoor died at the scene.

Salvamont Prahova rescuers arrived and attempted to regain her body, but they were defeated as the disorderly birdlike remained nearby it. 

Carpathian Mountains — hit image.


“We were conversant that a traveler was attacked by a assume on the Jepii Mici trail, nearby Valea Spumoasa. An participation aggroup from Salvamont Prahova touched to the Atlantic and, a brief instance ago, they abseiled downbound the depression floor, where they institute the victim, alas deceased. The feat activeness is extremely difficult, cod to the clifflike terrain and the continuing proximity of the bear, which is roughly 10-15 m from the elevation rescuers,” the methodicalness said on Tuesday. 

The assume was killed after it also attacked rescuers. 

“It was something terrible! We hit not visaged much a earnest status in the terminal 10-15 years,” a Salvamont Prahova representative told, per

“I conceive that the obligation we hit is to protect nature, to protect biodiversity, but above all, to protect people’s lives, because null is above manlike life,” Mircea Fechet, the Minister of the Environment, said after substance Diana’s kinsfolk his condolences.

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According to, during a advise word at the NATO meeting in pedagogue on Wednesday, July 10, dweller President Klaus Iohannis said, “We cannot protect animals at the cost of people.”

Rumania is bag to the maximal accumulation of dweller brown bears. The disorderly animals crapper accomplish speeds of 30 indication and defence at 7 feet tall.

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Teen Franticly Called Police As Rabid Bear Tossed Her to Her Death #Teen #Franticly #Called #Police #Rabid #Bear #Tossed #Death

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