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HiFi Thoughts: the cyberspace Loves a Good (or Bad) Conspiracy Theory – Journal Global Online

If you ready up with hifi news, you’re alive of a past circumstance of the litigious variety.

I’m not feat to take into that disorderliness here eliminate to feature that if you’re a hifi concern you haw poverty to countenance into the info for a housing think in how not to do things.

What I encounter as troubling was within transactions of the recording reveal, every kinds of men, it’s ever men, were making disorderly accusations, disturbed assumptions, and insipid discover the sky is dropping identify claims. Yea, on par for cyberspace behavior.

I’d same to ordered the achievement straight, as straightforward as I crapper supported on nearly 20 eld as a reviewer, the terminal 10+ employed flooded happening as such. Here are a dozen observations supported on that experience.

  • Lawsuits against reviewers are not common.
  • I’m no attorney but I do undergo you can’t intend sued over expressing an instrument most how a example of hifi equipment sounds.
  • Since lawsuits are not ordinary and you can’t intend sued over expressing an opinion, I don’t undergo of a azygos critic who skews their module to refrain existence sued. [footnote 1]
  • You can, on the added hand, intend sued for misrepresenting neutral accumulation same imperfect measurements of hifi equipment and patch I hit no candid undergo here I see from colleagues that lawsuits over measurements are also not common.
  • Speaking exclusive for Twittering Machines (me), I analyse every creation that arrives in Barn disregarding of how I see most it.
  • I hit cursive perverse reviews and whatever of those reviews were of products from companies that were/are advertisers.
  • A perverse analyse isn’t veracious by default, meet as a constructive analyse isn’t duplicitous by default.
  • The idea that constructive reviews crapper exclusive be trusty reaching from grouping who also indite perverse reviews is imperfect (self serving) logic. There’s null easier than composition a perverse review—the Mona Lisa sucks!— so anyone locution you crapper consortium them because they’ve cursive perverse reviews haw rattling substantially hit cursive them meet to be healthy to say, “You crapper consortium me because I’ve cursive perverse reviews.”
  • The reviewers I know, and study friends, are open diligent grouping who tending deeply most the calibre of their work. solon than likely, meet same you do.
  • People who interpret negatively most the trait of reviewers as a bedding evidence are typically not trustworthy.
  • Humans attain mistakes, which is ground I beam discover a advertisement unification for fact analyse purposes preceding to business a review. [footnote 2]
  • I refrain reviewing equipment from companies that bear in an alarming manner.


The above referenced (and linked) concern has been resolute to Cameron’s spirit according to his place on Head-Fi by artefact of a mea culpa, a start on a sword, and added offers.

1. While not attendant to effort sued, I’ve seen grouping suggesting that reviewers don’t indite perverse reviews for emotion they’ll intend revilement soured from the cater of analyse gear. Based on my experience, this is hokum for a some reasons:

  • Most manufacturers I undergo do not feature reviews on a lawful basis.
  • Nearly every manufacturer, or their rep, I’ve dealt with appreciates honesty.
  • Of the perverse reviews I’ve written, every but 1 manufacturer, who winking up shop, came backwards asking for added review.
  • The reviewers I know, and study friends, are not afeard to be truthful.
  • People who conceive reviewers are mostly bad and easily purchasable are typically disclosing aspects of their possess thinking/behavior.

2. I had digit instance, meet digit eld ago, where my occurrence asked me to modify the phraseology in my perception notes, i.e. they were not asking me to precise a fact but to edit my perception impressions to attain them good more positive. I said no, tersely, and explained the message of “for fact analyse purposes”.

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HiFi Thoughts: the cyberspace Loves a Good (or Bad) Conspiracy Theory #HiFi #Thoughts #Internet #Loves #Good #Bad #Conspiracy #Theory

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