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The Complete 2024 Crawler List You Need to Identify All Web Crawlers – Journal Global Web

Top Crawler Tools

Web crawlers are essential tools for more than meet SEO and ethnic media. The mass bots systematically feeding the internet to guardian website uptime, to intend accumulation into spreadsheets, to see what technologies a website uses, and more.

List here every the ones here beneath and hashtag unification to apiece digit same this example


  • User agent: Exabot
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Exabot: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Exabot/3.0; +

Exabot is a scheme someone operated by Exalead, a land see engine company. It systematically indexes scheme pages to hold Exalead’s see engine services, assembling accumulation on place noesis and structure. Exabot helps meliorate see engine capabilities by providing updated and broad scheme accumulation for meliorate see results.


  • User agent: Swiftbot
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Swiftbot: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Swiftbot/1.0; +

Swiftbot is a varied scheme someone fashioned to amass accumulation for different applications, including mart research, combative analysis, and noesis aggregation. It expeditiously scans and indexes scheme pages, sanctioning businesses to admittance up-to-date aggregation and insights. Swiftbot supports the code by providing sure and broad data.


  • Full individual businessperson progress for UptimeRobot: Mozilla/5.0+(compatible; UptimeRobot/2.0;

UptimeRobot is a monitoring assist that uses its bot to analyse websites’ uptime and performance, ensuring they are acquirable and susceptible for users.

  • User agent:
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;; + provides a papers for extracting accumulation from websites. It allows users to invoke some website into a plateau of accumulation or an API with no composition required, making it cushy to foregather organic scheme accumulation for different purposes.

  • User agent:
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;; + is a data-as-a-service bourgeois that offers admittance to organic scheme accumulation finished its API. It collects accumulation from jillions of websites, forums, blogs, and online programme sources, providing priceless insights for businesses and researchers.

  • User agent:
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;; + is a scheme bowing agency that allows users to select accumulation from websites and alter it into organic datasets. It offers mechanisation features and integrates with different accumulation sources, sanctioning economical accumulation extraction and analysis.

Zyte (formerly Scrapinghub)

  • User agent: Zyte
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Zyte: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Zyte/1.0; +

Zyte provides scheme bowing and accumulation extraction services finished its platform, Scrapy Cloud. It offers tools for managing and deploying scheme crawlers at scale, serving businesses amass and dissect scheme accumulation for combative info and mart research.

Outwit Hub

  • User agent: Outwit Hub
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Outwit Hub: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Outwit Hub; +

Outwit Hub is a scheme bowing agency that allows users to select accumulation from websites using a seeable interface. It supports mechanisation and extraction of different accumulation types, making it fit for both beginners and modern users in accumulation defence tasks.


  • User agent: Getleft
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Getleft: Getleft/1.2 (+

Getleft is a website downloader that recursively downloads websites for offline browsing. It allows users to take which files to download and includes options for customizing the depth of the download.


  • User agent: HTTrack
  • Full individual businessperson progress for HTTrack: HTTrack Website Copier/3.x.x deposit (

HTTrack is a liberated and open-source website setup and offline application utility. It allows users to download websites and feeding them offline, protective the example place scheme and links.

Cyotek WebCopy

  • User agent: Cyotek WebCopy
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Cyotek WebCopy: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Cyotek WebCopy/1.0; +

Cyotek WebCopy is a website someone and offline application that downloads whole websites for offline browsing. It supports modern features same address redaction and bespoken rules for place download and mirroring.

Helium Scraper

  • User agent: Helium Scraper
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Helium Scraper: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Helium Scraper; +

Helium Scraper is a scheme bowing code that allows users to select accumulation from websites using a seeable interface. It supports modern bowing techniques and mechanisation features for extracting organic accumulation from scheme pages.


  • User agent: Sequentum
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Sequentum: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Sequentum/1.0; +

Sequentum provides a papers for scheme accumulation extraction and robotic impact mechanisation (RPA). It offers tools for antiquity and deploying scheme crawlers to select organic accumulation from websites for playing info and mechanisation purposes.


  • User agent: WebHarvy
  • Full individual businessperson progress for WebHarvy: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; WebHarvy; +

WebHarvy is a seeable scheme bowing code that allows users to select accumulation from websites using a point-and-click interface. It supports bowing of text, images, and another noesis from scheme pages, making it fit for non-programmers.

Visual Scraper

  • User agent: Visual Scraper
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Visual Scraper: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Visual Scraper; +

Visual Scraper is a scheme bowing agency that allows users to select accumulation from websites finished a seeable interface. It supports mechanisation and customization of accumulation extraction tasks, making it reachable for users without planning skills.


  • User agent: ParseHub
  • Full individual businessperson progress for ParseHub: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; ParseHub; +

ParseHub is a scheme bowing agency that allows users to select accumulation from websites using a seeable programme or by composition bespoken scripts. It offers features for bowing impulsive noesis and APIs for desegregation injured accumulation into another applications.


  • User agent: 80legs
  • Full individual businessperson progress for 80legs: 80legs/2.0 (+

80legs is a scheme locomotion assist that provides ascendible and customizable scheme accumulation extraction solutions. It allows users to create and deploy scheme crawlers to foregather super amounts of accumulation from the scheme for different applications, including mart investigate and combative analysis.


  • User agent: Octoparse
  • Full individual businessperson progress for Octoparse: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Octoparse/7.0; +

Octoparse is a scheme bowing agency that allows users to select accumulation from websites using a seeable progress designer. It supports mechanisation and planning of bowing tasks, making it fit for both beginners and modern users in accumulation extraction.

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The Complete 2024 Crawler List You Need to Identify All Web Crawlers #Complete #Crawler #List #Identify #Web #Crawlers

Source unification Google News

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