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Pennsylvania AG sues metropolis consort Leda Health over its at-home ravishment kits • university Capital-Star – Information Today Web

Pennsylvania Attorney General Michelle speechmaker on weekday filed a causa against Pittsburgh-based Leda Health Corp. over the “early evidence” kits the consort markets to sexed attack victims. The kits are witting to earmark attack survivors to amass polymer grounds of their assault, kinda than go to a infirmary or scrutiny artefact where much procedures are typically performed.

“These kits essentially substance simulated promises to consumers by dishonorable them to conceive grounds composed privately at bag crapper termination in a malefactor sentence — that is still to hit happened anywhere with the ingest of these kits,” speechmaker said in a programme release. 

Henry’s duty also issued a cease-and-desist order to the consort to kibosh advertising, marketing and commerce its kits.

Leda Health and its CEO President mythologist had filed a lawsuit weekday against speechmaker and New royalty Attorney General Letitia saint because they “threatened to closed downbound a consort that provides resources to sexed attack survivors because it disagrees with the company’s fortified speech.” 

Leda’s foregather seeks a origin injunction, and argues the consort “never claimed that its resources are meliorate or more effective” than those offered by the government, but kinda that whatever survivors of sexed attack “may order more (and different) resources than what governments currently substance them.”  

James has previously sent cease-and-desist letters to Leda and additional consort commerce at-home ravishment kits in New York.

Leda Health, which erst marketed the kits as “MeToo kits,” says on its website that its “early grounds outfit was fashioned by survivors with the hold of nurses, advocates, and lawyers to enable survivors to amass and accumulation DNA, when accessing a tralatitious sexed attack forensic communicating is not doable or against the survivor’s wishes.”

Campbell, a past Miss metropolis observance winner, told WTAE-TV in Pittsburgh primeval this assemblage that she started the consort after she was raped as a college student, and did not poverty anyone to contact her after the attack to amass evidence. 

But speechmaker said the kits don’t foregather grounds assemblage standards ordered by the university assembly and the state’s Sexual Assault Testing and Evidence Collection Act. On Leda’s website, Henry’s causa adds, the consort has a disclaimer that reads “Leda cannot indorse that aggregation composed using our outfit module be permissible in a suite of accumulation and is not an professional healthy to wage survivors with jural advice.”


Alex Little, an professional for Leda and Campbell, told the Capital-Star weekday that it tells victims what is factually true, that it can’t indorse some grounds is feat to be admissible, but that victims crapper process their chances by mass the advice in the kit.

“The actuality is a vast eld of victims of sexed attack do not intend a ravishment outfit done, and for choices that arrange from meet emotion most the machine or meet want to reassert curb over their corporeal autonomy, and when they do that, they kill destined things,” Little said. “And so by allowing those victims admittance to kits, that haw earmark them to amass grounds in structure they did not actualise they could to provide them a lowercase more curb over grounds that is collected. Leda wants to provide them options.”

Little additional that the concern was a First Amendment supply “because the intent that there’s digit limited artefact that a individual should move to sexed attack and that the land crapper dominion they be told how to move to sexed attack is not what the First Amendment permits. In fact, it prohibits the land from threatening to closed downbound a consort same they did with Leda for not adhering to the state’s desirable views most how victims should move to sexed assault.”

The Pennsylvania Sexual Assault Testing and Evidence Collection Act requires that attack survivors “receive grounds assemblage relating to their attack at no outlay to the survivors,” Henry’s foregather notes. 

In addition, Leda’s marketing of the kits is “problematic and in ravishment of Pennsylvania’s consumer endorsement law,” speechmaker added, because they “mislead consumers into intellection aggregation a distribution on their could succeed steps condemned at a medical/forensics artefact that is eligible in comely grounds assemblage and adjoining to a domestic database for malefactor offenders (CODIS).”

The university Coalition to Advance Respect (PCAR), erst famous as the university Coalition Against Rape, supports Henry’s actions to forbiddance Leda’s primeval grounds kits. 

“The ingest of an ‘at-home kit’ provides a sexed attack unfortunate with simulated wish and misleads them absent from a path to country and justice,” PCAR open contract administrator Gabriella lover said in a statement. “It’s clamant sexed attack survivors essay drilled scrutiny tending at a infirmary and services from their topical ravishment crisis center. These individuals are drilled to hold survivors patch utilizing trauma-informed proven methods of healing.”

Henry, a past regularise attorney, said she has seen the trauma suffered by survivors of sexed assault.

“They merit advocates substance the full actuality in acquirable options, including avenues for pursuing official against their assailant,” she said. 

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Pennsylvania AG sues metropolis consort Leda Health over its at-home ravishment kits • university Capital-Star #Pennsylvania #sues #Pittsburgh #company #Leda #Health #athome #rape #kits #Pennsylvania #CapitalStar

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