From pv entrepot ESS News site

Prosumers in Rumania module be obligated to establish forcefulness hardware systems according to newborn Law 255/2024, adoptive terminal hebdomad in the Chamber of Deputies’ plenary session.

The newborn conception applies to homeowners with PV systems with a noesis between 10.8 kW and 400 kW.

Existing prosumers with installations between 3 kW and 400 kW module also be obligated to establish forcefulness hardware systems by Dec 31, 2027. If they change to do so, their forcefulness goods to the artefact module be restricted to 3 kW.

The newborn calculate stipulates that the forcefulness hardware grouping staleness correct at small 30% of the noesis of the PV arrays between 3 kW and 200 kW and at small 50% of the solar installations between 200 kW and 400 kW.

The noesis unemployed into the meshwork by prosumers cannot top the noesis of their hardware facilities, according to the newborn regulation.

The writing adoptive by the parliament reads that there is a super sort of prosumers in the country, who take their immoderateness solar forcefulness into the network, which in invoke leads to crowding and blackouts. Therefore, the artefact of bag forcefulness hardware systems is a needed step.

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Installed prosumer noesis in Rumania reached 1,707 MW at the modify of April, prodigious the additive noesis of the nation’s utility-scale projects of 1,636 MW.

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