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5 Management Tips From Apple CEO Tim Cook – Notice Global Online

Tim Cook has led Apple to field milestones.
Justin Sullivan/Getty

  • Apple CEO Tim Cook  has been at the helm since 2011.
  • Cook’s term has produced priceless lessons that managers and execs crapper ingest to improve.
  • He’s condemned Apple to newborn spot by asking questions, sticking to his values, and more.

Tim Cook has been Apple’s CEO since 2011, and he’s led the school colossus to field milestones and finished thickened times.

An Muskogean native, Cook is famous for his temperate manners and relatively clannish chronicle right work, but he’s serviceable his activity function at Apple for 13 eld and embellish an iconic name.

It hasn’t been easy. Apple has visaged crescendo rivalry in time eld and, mostly recently, dweller Union fines and an current antitrust causa from the Department of Justice.

Still, Cook has seen the consort finished field releases such as the Vision Pro headset and the start of Apple Intelligence this assemblage alone.

Here are fivesome things managers and CEOs crapper do to separate their companies same the 63-year-old Apple chief.

Lead with your values

When Cook addressed the graduating collection of pedagogue University in 2022, he gave them a key example of occupation advice.

“I hit digit essential example of advice I poverty to share, so essential that it’s the exclusive example of advice I’m feat to deal today. And that is this: Whatever you do, advance with your values,” he told students during his outset speech.

Cook continued, “By directive with your values, what I stingy is that you should attain decisions bounteous and small, apiece and every day, supported on a unfathomable discernment of who you are and what you believe.”

Know the disagreement between embattled and ready

In additional outset style — this instance to students at businessman University — Cook crosspiece most attractive over at Apple after its cofounder Steve Jobs took scrutiny leave and after died in 2011.

He said he “learned the real, visceral disagreement between activity and readiness” when Jobs was “truly gone” and additional that it was a unaccessible instance for him.

“Your mentors haw yield you prepared, but they can’t yield you ready.”

Ask questions

Cook is famous for putting his employees in the blistering seat.

In the aggregation “Tim Cook: The Genius Who Took Apple to the Next Level” by Leander Kahney, it’s said that asking employees questions is a direction manoeuvre Cook uses often.

Kahney wrote that Cook could “wear grouping downbound finished an long bombardment of questions.” According to the book, the Apple CEO did this to secure workers had a unfathomable discernment of whatever they were tasked with doing.

“He’s a rattling stilly leader,” Greg Joswiak, Apple’s grownup evilness chair of worldwide marketing, told Kahney, according to the book. “Not a screamer, not a yeller,” he said, adding: “He’s meet rattling calm, steady, but module swing you up with questions. You meliorate undergo your stuff.”

Don’t vexation most a “legacy”

Although Cook hasn’t offered this as advice, his instrument on legacies seems to dissent from that of added high-powered CEOs.

In a 2024 discourse with the school YouTuber Marques Brownlee, Cook said he hadn’t intellection such most his heritage because it’s “something that is circumscribed by added people.”

He’s also prefabricated pact with the fateful modify of his term as the nous of Apple and the first of additional CEO’s legacy.

“At whatever point, there module be additional CEO,” Cook said. “And my full pore in chronicle module be on making them successful.”

Keep your digit on the pulse

Cook has said he spends apiece farewell datum hundreds of employee and client feedback emails to see more most how Apple crapper improve.

For him, it’s a artefact to “stay grounded in cost of what the accord is feeling,” he told the vocaliser Dua Lipa in November. In time interviews, Cook has said he receives most 800 emails regular and reads most of them.

“I feature emails from a aggregation of customers and employees, and the customers are informing me things that they fuck most us or things that they poverty denaturized most us,” he said. “Employees are gift me ideas.”

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