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Tag: EPA

EPA fines Asiatic consort for chemical delivered at Port of metropolis – Journal Important Web

An Asiatic interact faces thousands of dollars in federal fines for transaction an unauthorized chemical to the Port of Savannah, add though the creation was afterward unforested for have in the states where it was headed, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  Two nearly 95,000-pound shipments of metamitron, a chemical bilobed used to protect …

EPA fines Asiatic interact for chemical delivered at Port of municipality – Journal Important WebRead More

EPA Green Power Recognizes Powder Coating Company – Notice Global Web

AkzoNobel reaffirms its unceasing center to transitioning every its manufacturing sites globally to 100% renewable electricity. The interact announces its authorised partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Green Power Partnership (GPP), reinforcing its center to environmental stewardship. This evaluation marks AkzoNobel as a cheater in the paints and coatings playing with EPA GPP …

EPA Green Power Recognizes Powder Coating Company – Notice Global WebRead More