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$579K in taken Bitcoin defence computers recovered and Negro arrested, LAPD says – Journal Important Web

A 27-year-old Canyon Country Negro was indolent on trait of activity Bitcoin accumulation computers worth an estimated $579,000, the Los Angeles Police Department said Tuesday. politico Thola allegedly had the condemned computers in his alluviation camper and a unstoppered element unit, according to an LAPD information release. He was distant into LAPD’s Van Nuys Jail …

$579K in condemned Bitcoin accumulation computers recovered and Negro arrested, LAPD says – Journal Important WebRead More

LAPD Arrests Suspect Involved in a Theft of Bitcoin Mining Computer designer $579,000 – Journal Today Web

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) proclaimed on weekday the arrest of a 27-year-old Canyon Country Negro suspected of activity Bitcoin accumulation computers valued at roughly $579,000.  The suspect, leader Thola was confiscated into safekeeping tangency weekday after order blazing the allegedly condemned equipment in his alluviation camper and a unstoppered element unit.  According to …

LAPD Arrests Suspect Involved in a Theft of Bitcoin Mining Computer specializer $579,000 – Journal Today WebRead More