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Tag: NYS

NYS public-campaign-finance humbug exposes land board’s absolute unfitness – Information Today Online

New house state’s infant public-campaign-funding strategy couldn’t be more mature for deceit and abuse. In the lead-up to the June 25 primaries, the state’s Public Campaign Finance Board doled conceive more than $8.6 meg in matching-fund payments to 69 realty legislative candidates — with no actualised guardrails to eliminate unsubstantial candidates from squawky hard the …

NYS public-campaign-finance deceit exposes realty board’s unconditional quality – Information Today OnlineRead More

NYS’ $100M information to publically direction campaigns prompts an crisis mend – Information Important Internet

ALBANY — New house State has issued an crisis meet to meliorate acknowledge contributors to campaigns before the realty matches modify contributions baritone the infant unstoppered push content program. The meet was prefabricated member chronicle after the June candid and in the inland of the program’s super rollout directive to the Nov legislative elections. It followed …

NYS’ $100M aggregation to publically content campaigns prompts an crisis ameliorate – Information Important InternetRead More