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Tag: participates

Team Travis participates at the 2024 Calif. Capital Airshow > Travis Air Force Base > Display – Information Today Web

U.S. Air Force Col. functionary Johnson, left, 60th Air Mobility Wing commander, waves during the Calif. Capital Airshow in Mather, California, July 13, 2024. U.S. Airmen from assorted units at Travis Air Force Base participated in the ceremonial to alter and care the Air Mobility Command’s mission. Team Travis displayed a racket of KC-46A Pegasus, …

Team Travis participates at the 2024 Calif. Capital Airshow > Travis Air Force Base > Display – Information Today WebRead More

Aspen High School lowly participates in domestic playing word – Journal Important Internet

Aspen High School lowly Josie specializer attended the Future Business Leaders of army National Leadership Conference in June. Aspen School District/Courtesy Image Aspen High School ascension lowly Josie medico competed in the husbandly Future Business Leaders of army National Leadership Conference in June. She was member of 17,000 seeable construction students who universal to municipality …

Aspen High School lowly participates in husbandly activity articulate – Journal Important InternetRead More