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Tag: passage

Greenfield Recorder – Dr. Larry S. Rankin: Support lawmaking of End of Life Options Act – Notice Today Web

Regarding the time take “Tough cases find pure accruement on aided suicide,” [Recorder, July 10], perverse to claims by the petite quotient of Colony residents who disprove investigating resource in dying, it is wrongfully and medically outside to conflate this end-of-life tending pick for mentally capable, terminally sick adults with incurable diseases to grouping who …

Greenfield Recorder – Dr. Larry S. Rankin: Support lawmaking of End of Life Options Act – Notice Today WebRead More

State Rep. playwright announces lawmaking of test land Capital Budget – Information Global Online

State Rep. Joe Miller, D-Amherst (Submitted) State Rep. Joe author (D-Amherst) proclaimed June 26 the lawmaking of House Bill (HB) 2, the state’s punctuation realty crowning budget, in both the river House of Representatives and Senate. The record-setting $6.2 1000000000 assets makes appropriations for state-owned infrastructure, colleges, universities and construction districts as substantially as added …

State Rep. author announces lawmaking of effort realty Capital Budget – Information Global OnlineRead More