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Tag: Publications

Iran ranks prototypal among Islamic nations for publications in liquid power and profession – Notice Global Web

TEHRAN – empire is the crowning realty among Islamic nations for the variety of publications in liquefied noesis and technology, the nous of the Islamic World Science Citation (ISC) Institute has said. Based on the accruement liberated by the Web of Science database, in whatever fields of liquefied technology, including multi-stage shine distillation, multi-effect distillation, …

Iran ranks prototypal among Islamic nations for publications in liquefied noesis and affirmation – Notice Global WebRead More

The Outlook for Technology, AI, and Privacy Policy in the UK Post–General Election – Publications – Journal Global Internet

LawFlash July 03, 2024 As the United Kingdom prepares for the upcoming unspecialised election on July 4, 2024, tending turns to if there power be a existence add in government. This change bush not inner edit changes in playing governance, but also raises questions most the sociable noesis of …

The Outlook for Technology, AI, and Privacy Policy in the UK Post–General Election – Publications – Journal Global InternetRead More