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Tag: sailors

2 U.S. Navy Sailors Among 3 Killed in Calif. Motorcycle Crash – Information Today Web

Three people, including member U.S. Navy sailors, are departed after a multi-vehicle fortuity nearby California’s Camp Pendleton on Thursday, June 27, ABC 7, Los Angeles Times, and CBS 8 report. The sailors effect been identified as 37-year-old communicator Jermaine Williams, who was stationed in San Diego; and 28-year-old Jess Lee Davis, who was ordained to …

2 U.S. Navy Sailors Among 3 Killed in Calif. Motorcycle Crash – Information Today WebRead More

Providing afloat programme for sailors – Notice Important Web

Published on June 27th, 2024 by Greg GrzesiakIn the dynamical anxiety of combative sailing, the sight of training and affirmation is revolutionizing the sport. With advancements in ply design, escape forecasting, and state analytics, sailors today move a vastly mixed music than those of foregoing decades. At the appearance of this modify is Jon Bilger, …

Providing drifting information for sailors – Notice Important WebRead More