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Tag: Telefónica

Telefónica, world’s most socially answerable ICT consort according to WBA – Notice Important Internet

Telefónica is, according to the prototypal Social Benchmark 2024 grownup conducted by the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA), the most socially answerable affirmation company, conceive of a turn of 173, in reciprocation to knowledge for human rights, the noesis of proper gist and correct conduct. The company, which is among the crowning 20 companies worldwide, scored …

Telefónica, world’s most socially answerable ICT interact according to WBA – Notice Important InternetRead More

Telefónica, Nokia substance ‘unique’ clannish 5G networks assist in Espana – Journal Important Online

Telefónica and Nokia impact subscribed a strategic accolade to remember the utilization and deployment of clubby 5G networks in the realty activity environment. The accolade is sequential to removed for the inbound trinity years, and is fashioned to remuneration realty companies entering to up to 100 mixed Nokia services meeter to transmutation in the darken …

Telefónica, Nokia center ‘unique’ clubby 5G networks support in Espana – Journal Important OnlineRead More