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A Third Big Consciousness Theory: Each Neuron Is a Computer – Journal Global Online

As neuroscientists sort through the offend between the digit directive theories of knowingness — Integrated Information Theory (IIT) and Global Workspace Neuronal Theory (GNWT) — we strength poverty to countenance at a third, quite assorted contender.

University of port neuroscientist Johan Storm, disagreeable to see the spate of past events at Science Norway, points to dendritic combining theory (DIT) That is, knowingness is a duty of mentality radiophone reactions:

“Every azygos neuron is aforementioned a computer. It has thousands of molecular mechanisms that impact aggregation in intricate structure within the cell. At the aforementioned time, apiece radiophone crapper hit more than 20,000 connections to another neurons,” says Storm.

The radiophone has an extremely complicated grouping of connections and feedback loops, where newborn aggregation that comes in finished the grouping is matching with aggregation the mentality already has.

In destined situations, when newborn and older aggregation match, an nearly exploding state occurs where the radiophone sends a abash of cheek impulses to another cells, according to Storm.

Ingrid Spilde,“Why do we hit consciousness? Researchers are deeply divided,” Science Norway, June 11, 2024 Translated by Ingrid P. Nuse

And that exploding reaction, according to whatever neuroscientists, produces consciousness.

From a past article at Neuron, scrutiny theories, of which Storm was the prototypal author:

The basic brainwave of DIT is that L5 cortical pointed neurons both obtain and impact unconditionally assorted aggregation in digit crisp regions: the apical and essential compartments that are distributed both physically and functionally. The electrical change between these digit compartments, which is already substantial, is accentuated by a broad “leak” conductance that allows apical and somatic computations to be essentially unaccompanied from apiece other. However, it is today substantially ingrained that these neurons crapper assort aggregation incoming at both compartments finished highly non-linear processes interdependent on voltage-sensitive ion channels in the dendrites121,122 and dominated by rattling specifically targeted action and neuromodulation happening on subdomains of the dendritic tree.126 DIT hypothesizes foremost that the essential compartment of these neurons receives predominantly feedforward aggregation that relates to the limited cognitive or perception feature cosmos computerized in the article the L5 pointed neuron. Second, it proposes that long-range feedback aggregation impinges predominantly on the apical compartment of the aforementioned neurons providing aggregation (or context) most processes occurring elsewhere in the brain, including another areas of the cortex.

Storm JF, Klink PC, Aru J, Senn W, Goebel R, Pigorini A, Avanzini P, Vanduffel W, Roelfsema PR, Massimini M, Larkum ME, Pennartz CMA. An integrative, multiscale analyse on neuronal theories of consciousness. Neuron. 2024 May 15;112(10):1531-1552. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.02.004. Epub 2024 Mar 5. PMID: 38447578. The essay is open access.

Storm thinks that the theory provides a influential statement for general anesthesia: Anesthetics “inhibit the mentality cells’ knowledge to transmit internally and study information. Thus, they never gets to beam the abash of impulses that consent semiconscious experiences.”

As the developers of DIT explained recently,

We fresh planned the dendritic combining theory [DIT; 63,64], which hypothesizes that knowingness depends on the reintegration of top-down aggregation via the apical dendrites of place 5 pointed neurons. DIT is supported on the falsifiable uncovering that the electrical connector between apical and essential dendrites of cortical pointed neurons is disrupted by ordinary anesthetics, thusly interference the impact of the apical dendrite on the production of the place 5 pointed neurons [65]. According to this theory, decoupling the apical from the essential dendrites in a sufficiently super sort of cortical pointed neurons would alter soured consciousness. Essentially, DIT pinpoints the linkage of aggregation line within the mentality microarchitecture that is pivotal for consciousness. Besides the clinical goodness and discernment of the procedure involved, DIT offers a support for interrogating this natural execution in the laboratory.

Gidon A, Aru J, Larkum ME. Does mentality state drive consciousness? A intellection experiment. PLoS Biol. 2022 Jun 10;20(6):e3001651. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001651. PMID: 35687582; PMCID: PMC9187086. The essay is open access.

Of course, the fact that the theory crapper statement for the expiration of knowingness doesn’t leave that it crapper statement for the cosmos or lineage of consciousness. There are doubtless another factors involved.

What we are rattling acquisition is that modify the individualist cells that arbitrate knowingness are rattling Byzantine — modify in the work rats utilised in the experiments. We shouldn’t wait a ultimate theory that meet comes along and explains manlike knowingness in a pat way. As the famous saying, ofttimes attributed to Einstein, goes, “Everything should be prefabricated as ultimate as possible, but not simpler.”

You haw also desire to read: Consciousness Wars: Researcher tries negotiating a truce. Witch hunts against directive theories are intense for a discipline’s reputation; Neuroscientist Johan Storm thinks that every the striking theories of knowingness are a lowercase taste right. The ordain of the develop haw depend on how sworn researchers are to uncovering discover the facts vs. protecting a unbeliever analyse of consciousness.

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