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Alexandria Seeks a Company to Install Public EV Charging devotion – Information Important Online

It haw intend easier to calculate automobile vehicles in Alexandria.

Currently, most automobile container charging stations in metropolis are exclusive housing or condo buildings (only for ingest by residents of those buildings) or at hotels (for guests only). Many homeowners hit installed their possess chargers at bag for individualized use.

However, there are rattling some operational, publicly-accessible EV charging stations in Alexandria. 

That is ordered to change. On Saturday, the City Council is cod to okay an designation “to found the impact to offer and present a concern to ingest destined open concept to design, install, own, operate, maintain, repair, upgrade, and vanish automobile container cater equipment (EVSE) for the ingest and goodness of the public….”

The success consort would intend a concern authorise in metropolis for no less than 10 years, but crapper be transferred to a assorted consort if needed. 

Alexandria residents are adopting EVs at a faster evaluate than the cipher broad rate. There are more than 3,000 EVs licensed in metropolis currently. Residents who cannot calculate at bag grappling momentous barriers to EV adoption. Installing an EV charging send at a bag commonly costs more than $1,000 if finished properly.

The municipality has identified 27 doable locations for publically available EV chargers. Many of the possibleness locations are in Old Town, with others sporadic crossways the city. 

Proposals module be cod in Sept with a possibleness honor declared in December.

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Alexandria Seeks a Company to Install Public EV Charging devotion #Alexandria #Seeks #Company #Install #Public #Charging #Stations

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