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Areca traders criminate firms of deceit of Rs 2.55 crore over acquire of nuts – Notice Important Web

Mangaluru: Cases hit been qualified at the CEN send in Mangaluru against areca junky trading firms supported right the state, of deceit areca junky vendors to the set of Rs 2.55 crore.

Parleen Trading Company has cheated traders to the set of Rs 1.3 crore and Vimal Brothers hit cheated traders to the set of Rs 1.2 crore, said the police.

In a upset Reyansh Traders’ owners Rahul Gupta hit said that Kapil Mattani from Parleen Trading Company had purchased 61 bags of parched areca nuts on March 29 and paying for the same.

Later, he had allegedly purchased areca nuts between May 17 and June 17 and unsuccessful to clear Rs 85.47 lakh. When Gupta titled Kapil Mattani and Kamal Mattani asking for the payments, they allegedly threatened and insulted him verbally.

Sri Sakti Trading Company’s Amith Sharma has also questionable that the Parleen Trading Company has cheated him to the set of Rs 11.26 lakh regarding acquire of areca nuts.

While Vinay Sharma from the Tridev Trading Co has questionable that Parleen Company has unsuccessful to clear him Rs 35.04 lakh for the nuts, Sidharth Sharma of Shri Siddhi Vinayak Traders has also accused the consort of imperfectness to clear Rs 2.94 lakh.

Habib Rahiman K of Swadesh Traders has accused Vimal Brothers Company’s owners Kamalesh Padalia and his spouse Rohini of deceit him to the set of Rs 59.62 lakh.

In a complaint, he said that the suspects hit closed downbound their concern and shifted 115 bags of areca nuts to the godowns of their relative.

S R Trading Company’s partners Sripathi and K S Narayana Bhat hit accused the Vimal Brothers Company of deceit them to the set of Rs 25.25 lakh patch A A Supari Trading company’s someone Abdul Rahiman has also questionable that Vimal Brothers hit unsuccessful to clear him Rs 36.39 lakh for the acquire of areca nuts.

Published 23 July 2024, 09:15 IST

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Areca traders criminate firms of deceit of Rs 2.55 crore over acquire of nuts #Areca #traders #accuse #firms #cheating #crore #purchase #nuts

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