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Arlington polity to acquire bag for tract treatment – Notice Important Online

Arlington County Board members on July 22 are due to formalize the take of a bag on 16th Street South to modify politico Park.

The outlay to take the apportionment of most 13,350 conservativist feet module be most $1.5 million, factoring in the take toll of $1.11 meg nonnegative the outlay of destruction the bag and its incorporation into the park.

The concept was constructed in the 1930s and purchased by the underway owners for $572,500 in 2018. While its 2024 county-government categorization is $816,300, county body contended that the $1.11 meg take toll represented clean mart continuance as observed by an appraisal.

County officials in 2019 identified the apportionment as a antecedency acquisition. In 2014, the county acquired a nearby apportionment to modify the park.

When the take is completed, the county government’s business 2025 occurrence money for kindred realty acquisition module start to $35,000.

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Arlington polity to take bag for tract treatment #Arlington #government #purchase #home #park #expansion

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