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Civil servants from 12 regions of country drilled in principle of scheme availableness – Notice Important Online

Kyiv, 10 July 2024 – Five cardinal employees of the chief polity and topical self-government bodies from 12 regions of land hit undergone upbringing on the principle of scheme availableness union by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in land in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, with resource from Sweden. 

The two-day upbringing instruction was held at the modify of June in Rivne, Dnipro, and Cherkasy. Participants from added figure regions were healthy to move in the upbringing online.

Representatives of polity institutions that create noesis and lot scheme resources were drilled in composition texts, creating videos, and producing another noesis for websites that is reachable to every people, including those who are blindfold and ingest primary assistive technologies much as concealment readers.

All Ukrainians should hit admittance to the benefits of the digital state,” said Valeriia Ionan, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation for dweller Integration.

In constituent to ensuring the digital literacy of the population, every digital products staleness verify into statement the requirements of scheme availableness so that Ukrainians are healthy to ingest electronic services easily. To this end, with the hold of our partners, we’re upbringing subject servants in digital accessibility. This module attain polity products modify more reachable to every grouping – including grouping with disabilities.”

Earlier, land reinforced its jural regulations on the digital availableness of land scheme resources, with a newborn land accepted for scheme availableness reaching into gist in 2022. All land bodies are obligated to alter their digital products into deference with its requirements – the germane Resolution No. 757 was adoptive by the polity in 2023. The upbringing of subject servants in digital availableness helps them take the needed noesis and skills to foregather the newborn standards.

As conception of the aforementioned effort, in Feb 2023 the prototypal authorised Slavonic movement of the WCAG 2.1 planetary scheme availableness guidelines, which bacilliform the foundation of the land standard, was released. And at the aforementioned time, the educational program “Web Accessibility” was launched on the Diia.Osvita online activity platform. The initiatives are fashioned to hold husbandly developers inform themselves with orbicular scheme availableness standards and hold their implementation. All initiatives were carried discover by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of land with hold from the UNDP in land and with resource from Sweden.

The UNDP in land is a long-term relation of the Ministry of Digital Transformation in promoting digital availableness in the country, stressed Christophoros Politis, Deputy Resident Representative of the UNDP in Ukraine.

In past years, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, with the hold of the UNDP and resource from Sweden, has implemented a sort of essential initiatives designed to impact the process in digital availableness to aggregation and open services in the country,” Politis said. 

“This impact is especially essential presented that the sort of grouping with disabilities in the land is crescendo cod to the war, and we’re chesty to hold the polity in these efforts for the goodness of every Ukrainians. The stylish studies on the base availableness of polity websites exhibit that our efforts are relinquishing constructive results – the scheme availableness of polity resources is gradually increasing. We’re continuing our impact in this content so that every Ukrainians hit coequal admittance to digital products.

The UNDP, in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, and with resource from Sweden, yearly analyses the take of base availableness of 100 polity websites to road advancement in boosting accessibility. The stylish psychotherapy showed that the web availableness of polity online resources is gradually increasing. For the ordinal serial year, in 2023 whatever 22% of polity websites were analysed at a decent or broad take of availableness for grouping with disabilities, compared to 9% in 2021. Over digit years, the vast eld of the sites analysed also reinforced their positions in every decade assessment criteria.

Regional upbringing sessions on scheme availableness for subject servants were also held terminal year, with the hold of Japan, in Vinnytsia, Lviv and Poltava.

Media inquiries

Yuliia Samus, UNDP land Communications Team Leader,

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Civil servants from 12 regions of land drilled in principle of scheme availableness #Civil #servants #regions #Ukraine #trained #basics #web #accessibility

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