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Codexis Finalizes Purchase Agreement with Crosswalk – Journal Global Online

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Codexis, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDXS), a directive enzyme field company, today declared it has entered into an quality acquire commendation with Crosswalk Therapeutics for the Company’s investigational Fabry and Pompe disease compounds. Under the outlay of the agreement, Codexis is suitable to obtain forthcoming utilization and advertizement mark payments in constituent to a low-to-mid single-digit proportionality gain sales-based royalty.

“We’re thrilled to locate these elating programs in highly old safekeeping at Crosswalk Therapeutics. Since announcing our strategic agitate terminal year, we hit executed binary transactions to decriminalize our non-core assets and enable our aggroup to pore on programs where we crapper hit peak value. Crosswalk Therapeutics is led by past members of the Takeda thin diseases aggroup who are old with these programs, making them the saint relation to move onward these therapies in the prizewinning welfare of patients,” said Kevin Norrett, MBA, Chief Operating Officer at Codexis.

Both programs were previously conception of Codexis’ cooperation commendation with Takeda. In Apr 2023, Takeda interrupted its efforts in AAV factor therapy, which included these utilization programs.

About Codexis
Codexis is a directive enzyme field consort investment its copyrighted CodeEvolver® profession papers to discover, amend and compound novel, high-performance enzymes and another classes of proteins. Codexis enzymes cipher for real-world challenges attendant with diminutive mote pharmaceuticals manufacturing and nucleic Elvis synthesis. The Company is currently nonindustrial its copyrighted ECO Synthesis™ manufacturing papers to enable the scaled concoct of RNAi therapeutics finished an enzymatic route. Codexis’ unequalled enzymes crapper intend improvements much as higher yields, low forcefulness practice and squander generation, reinforced efficiency in manufacturing and greater sense in genomic and characteristic applications. For more information, meet

Forward-Looking Statements
This advise promulgation haw allow forward-looking statements within the message of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. In whatever cases, you crapper refer forward-looking statements by word much as “aim,” “anticipate,” “assume,” “believe,” “contemplate,” “continue,” “could,” “design,” “due,” “estimate,” “expect,” “goal,” “intend,” “may,” “objective,” “plan,” “positioned,” “potential,” “predict,” “seek,” “should,” “suggest,” “target,” “on track,” “will,” “would” and another kindred expressions that are predictions of or inform forthcoming events and forthcoming trends, or the perverse of these outlay or another same terminology. To the extent that statements contained in this advise promulgation are not descriptions of arts facts, they are forward-looking statements reflecting the underway beliefs and expectations of management, including but not restricted to the possibleness acknowledgement by Codexis of milestones and gain sales-based royalties pursuant to its quality acquire commendation with Crosswalk Therapeutics; the forthcoming utilization of Codexis’ investigational Fabry and Pompe disease compounds by Crosswalk Therapeutics; and the possibleness of Codexis’ ECO Synthesis™ manufacturing platform, including its knowledge to intend improvements qualifying to tralatitious chemical reasoning attendant to scalability, outlay limitations, squander and coverall economics. Factors that could materially change actualised results include, among others: Codexis’ dependency on its licensees and collaborators; if some of its collaborators alter their utilization programs low their individual authorise agreements with Codexis; Codexis haw requirement added top in the forthcoming in visit to modify its business; if Codexis is unable to successfully amend newborn profession much as its ECO Synthesis™ manufacturing papers and dsRNA ligase; Codexis’ dependency on a restricted sort of products and customers, and possibleness inauspicious personalty to Codexis’ playing if its customers’ products are not conventional substantially in the markets; if competitors and possibleness competitors who hit greater resources and undergo than Codexis amend products and technologies that attain Codexis’ products and technologies obsolete; Codexis’ knowledge to obey with debt covenants low its give facility; if Codexis is unable to accurately prognosticate playing and effective performance; and mart and scheme conditions haw negatively effect Codexis’ business, playing aggregation and deal price. Additional aggregation most factors that could materially change actualised results crapper be institute in Codexis’ Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on Feb 28, 2024 and in Codexis’ Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on May 2, 2024, including low the rendering “Risk Factors,” and in Codexis’ another oscillating reports filed with the SEC. Codexis expressly disclaims some aim or obligation to update these forward-looking statements, eliminate as required by law.

For solon Information

Investor Contact
Carrie McKim
(336) 608-9706

Media Contact
Lauren Musto
(650) 412-8205

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Codexis Finalizes Purchase Agreement with Crosswalk #Codexis #Finalizes #Purchase #Agreement #Crosswalk

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