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Computer proficient said meaningful sub-postmistress individual of the glitch-riddled Post Office Horizon grouping was ‘jumping on the bandwagon’, an investigating heard today – Journal Global Internet

A machine proficient who gave grounds against a meaningful sub-postmistress claimed she had ‘decided to move on the bandwagon’ and blessed business losses on the Post Office’s Horizon system, it was revealed on Thursday. 

Emails showed Gareth Jenkins said Seema Misra had ‘falsified the accounts’ at her Post Office division and then attempted to place the blessed on the Horizon business software, after she feature reports that the grouping was flawed.

The past Fujitsu engineer, who helped to amend Horizon, visaged questions over the telecommunicate as he gave grounds to the open investigating into the IT gossip at the Post Office, which saw hundreds of sub-postmasters falsely accused of theft, including wife Misra.

He wrote: ‘When she went to court, she saw an article in Computer Weekly indicating that Horizon was unsafe and definite to move on the bandwagon…. I don’t wager how anything here changes the fact that she falsified the accounts or that money was missing.’

Pictured: Former sub-postmistress Seema Misra, who was wrong imprisoned in the Post Office scandal
Emails showed Gareth Jenkins (pictured) said Seema Misra had ‘falsified the accounts’ at her Post Office branch

Mr Jenkins, today 72, told the inquiry: ‘That’s totally incongruous phraseology on my conception for which I apologise.’

He was shown a ordinal telecommunicate most a removed housing in a assorted Post Office branch, in which he wrote: ‘This is added warning of postmasters disagreeable to intend absent with ‘Horizon has condemned my money’.’

He apologised again and said his text were ‘a vulgar summarisation’ of a individual telecommunicate trail.

Mr Jenkins was an ‘expert witness’ in the 2010 effort of wife Misra, who was wrong guilty of concealing £70,000 from her Post Office division in West Byfleet, Surrey.

She served four-and-a-half months of a 15-month declare patch meaningful with her ordinal female and her sentence was exclusive turned in 2021, after questions were eventually upraised most the Horizon business software.

Mr Jenkins said the Post Office’s direction of wife Misra’s housing was ‘fairly chaotic’, and that he had change low push to feature Horizon’s functional was ‘perfect’.

Jason Beer KC, direction to the inquiry, questioned ground he had not told her honor suite effort most code bugs in the Horizon grouping that had created discrepancies in accounts and outside trading statements.

Mr Jenkins said he had believed the bugs exclusive strained the online edition of Horizon operative in 2010, and not preceding versions which had been in ingest at the instance of wife Misra’s questionable offences, in 2006 and 2007.

He told the investigating he had intellection the early edition of Horizon was ‘stable’, so had not revealed the bugs, adding: ‘It was totally irrelevant. It was a totally removed system.’

Mr Jenkins said he had not believed there were ‘any problems’ with Horizon that were feat the category of shortfalls which strained wife Misra’s Post Office branch.

Mr Jenkins said the Post Office’s direction of wife Misra’s housing was ‘fairly chaotic’, and that he had change low push to feature Horizon’s functional was ‘perfect’ (stock photo)

Earlier this hebdomad he apologised for the pain she and hundreds of added sub-postmasters had experienced, and said he was ‘truly sorry’.

The old code organise was questioned most added telecommunicate from 2010 in which he commented on a colleague’s inform into a Horizon issue, and said it was ‘potentially highly political’, adding: ‘We don’t rattling poverty to be seen to be undermining a Post Office prosecution!’

He said he had utilised ‘political’ to stingy it attendant to Fujitsu’s relation with the Post Office.

Mr Beer questioned if his grounds in wife Misra’s housing had been strained by a want not to counteract the Post Office.

Mr Jenkins said: ‘No, I did the psychotherapy religiously every the artefact throughout.’

Previous witnesses to the investigating hit claimed Mr Jenkins’ unfortunate to divulge noesis of bugs in the Horizon grouping haw hit amounted to perjury.

He is existence investigated by the Metropolitan Police on distrustfulness of infraction and perverting the instruction of justice, but has not been live with some offence.

The investigating continues.

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Computer proficient said meaningful sub-postmistress individual of the glitch-riddled Post Office Horizon grouping was ‘jumping on the bandwagon’, an investigating heard today #Computer #expert #pregnant #subpostmistress #victim #glitchriddled #Post #Office #Horizon #system #jumping #bandwagon #inquiry #heard #today

Source unification Google News

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