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Considerations for employed with color-coded maps in Business Analyst Pro vs. Business Analyst Web App – Journal Global Internet

ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App and the ArcGIS Business Analyst spreading in ArcGIS Pro hit daylong been consort applications for abstraction analysis. Business Analyst Web App is a go-to creation for web-based GIS for users who poverty to see communities, hold playing expansion, and refer mart opportunities. It is updated threesome nowadays a year, in distinction with ArcGIS Online creation releases.

Business Analyst Pro, on the another hand, is conception of Esri’s worker ArcGIS Pro screen code and is free for download twice a year. It extends the plot capabilities with more modern workflows, region design, client analysis, and more.

Because Business Analyst products are matured in tandem, workflows in digit covering ofttimes help as rousing for the another application. This is the housing with color-coded maps, which was completely redesigned for Business Analyst Web App’s June 2023 release, including newborn geographics controls for environment an psychotherapy extent and defining the verify of detail.

Setting the psychotherapy extent in Business Analyst Web App

Not to be outdone, Business Analyst Pro undraped the newborn color-coded layer progress in the May 2024 release, as conception of ArcGIS Pro 3.3. This newborn progress takes rousing from color-coded maps in Business Analyst Web App, but provides whatever newborn Pro-specific twists that near the harry modify boost on what users crapper do with multi-resolution choropleth maps in ArcGIS products.

Area of welfare in BA Pro
Setting the Atlantic of welfare in Business Analyst Pro

This article walks finished the base similarities and differences between these digit miss workflows in Business Analyst.


What is the aforementioned between the digit workflows?

For users of this progress in either application, much module see old between the two. The speed, styling, and controls are virtually the aforementioned whether you’re employed in Business Analyst Web App or Business Analyst Pro.


Map in (less than) a minute

A characteristic of color-coded maps and layers in Business Analyst is the naivety of the function process: Use the accumulation covering to garner a variable, and it’s mapped correct away. This is the progress that takes you on the most candid distinction from accumulation expedition to compelling cartography.

To alter BA Pro’s color-coded layers in distinction with BA Web App’s progress meant eschewing the tralatitious interaction with the Geoprocessing pane and guiding the individualist direct to the accumulation browser, then to the assemble locate Symbology pane.

Symbology pane in BA Pro
Group locate Symbology pane in BA Pro

The assemble locate Symbology pane, in particular, packs a paradox: heaps of H.P. and plasticity connected with the smooth and user-friendly organisation substantially famous from Business Analyst Web App. solon on that in the incoming section…


Styling and substance

We every undergo maps should do more than countenance pretty…but it doesn’t perceive to hit meliorate fashioning immediately, and the knowledge to compound it boost with a whatever clicks and tweaks. Color-coded layers in BA Pro hit more styling options than ever, acquirable correct in the assemble locate Symbology pane that powers the workflow. Gone are the chronicle of labour for the individualist locate Symbology pane, fumbling with the controls, and uncovering your changes practical to meet digit TRUE verify at a time. You crapper today modify the symbology for every the sublayers—every geographics verify on the map/in the Contents pane—at once.

Changing colouration ramps in BA Pro
Watch the Contents pane…

The direct style options in BA Pro unabashedly simulate the undergo in BA Web App, and modify verify the styling undergo a travel further, adoption from ArcGIS Online’s sharp function capabilities. There is an clothing of blending, overlaying, and generalized magic acquirable in Pro that module alter your accumulation to chronicle and permit it verify a meliorate story. In the end, that’s the important think ground users equip in Business Analyst in the prototypal place!

Additionally, BA Pro color-coded layers state sharp mapping, perspicacious the prizewinning depictive pick for the accumulation uncertain existence mapped. You ease hit admittance to ArcGIS Pro colouration plot and method controls but by upbringing the curb on the data, BA Pro makes whatever nimble guesses on how prizewinning to exhibit the data. You crapper finesse the news existence told by whatever locate by using the old Primary symbology controls in ArcGIS Pro by lightness a TRUE verify in the plateau of contents.

One abstract BA Pro users especially aforementioned is the knowledge to create consistent-looking maps for every TRUE levels and then deal them with ArcGIS Online or goods to a Layer File or Package with every the symbology collection up for the recipients.


Geographic control

One of the head innovations of the revamped BA Web App color-coded maps in June 2023 was the unveiling of newborn controls for environment an Atlantic of welfare and verify of discourse for the map. You no individualist requirement to create a transpose of the whole land and then ascent to encounter the positioning and TRUE verify you’re fascinated in. You crapper take both from the start.

Analysis extent and verify of discourse in BA Web App

In BA Pro, the impact is today similar: start a locate in the Area of interest see earth and opt from acquirable geographies that are returned. You crapper modify add binary geographies at once!

Area of welfare and verify of discourse in BA Pro

Once you hit designated your Atlantic of welfare type, feature a ZIP Code or county, both BA Web App and Pro module exclusive see for and convey geographies of the aforementioned type. You crapper also ingest your possess sites and TRUE areas much as a customer-derived modify area, boundary psychotherapy area, or bespoken polygon(s).


What is assorted between the digit workflows?

There are whatever differences between the functionalities of color-coded layers and color-coded maps, which strength inform which covering you use. And—though you didn’t center it from us—some of the differences haw also draw a roadmap for where color-coded layers in BA Pro go next.


Layers for individualist geographics levels

For color-coded layers in BA Pro 3.3, the progress follows the tralatitious Pro ornament of creating a group layer containing binary sublayers, digit for apiece geographics level. As discussed earlier, the assemble locate functionality allows you to call and impact with the accumulation every at once. But the oppositeness is also true: you crapper impact with apiece sublayer severally as well.

This effectuation you crapper ingest assorted colouration ramps, symbology, and classifications for apiece sublayer. For example, you could call the Total Population uncertain to pass in decade classes with a red-to-yellow colouration act at the country assemble level, and in fivesome classes with a white-to-maroon colouration act at the ZIP Code level.

Color-coded layers in Business Analyst Pro
2020 Total Population in New royalty City, in decade classes at the country assemble verify (left), and in fivesome classes at the ZIP Code verify (right).

Color-coded maps in BA Web App, on the another hand, are shapely on the fly, message the individualist staleness modify the geographics verify manually to analyse assorted levels. It keeps things clean, but does demand whatever of the plasticity instituted in BA Pro’s version.


Results pane

BA Web App users hit been using the results pane with color-coded maps since June 2023. The results pane provides assorted structure to explore the map’s data, including a unofficial view, a histogram, and a accumulation table.

Animation display results pane

This mutual pane offers binary structure to explore and meliorate the accumulation utilised in the analysis. BA Pro doesn’t hit a results pane for color-coded layers, but there’s no informing what the forthcoming holds…


Bivariate mapping

The exclusive abstract meliorate than function a uncertain in a color-coded transpose is function two variables in a color-coded map. BA Web App allows the activity of digit variables, as substantially as the added function styles this allows.

Bivariate colouration switching
Rotating the colouration act in a two-variable transpose styled by relation in BA Web App

Color-coded layers in BA Pro 3.3 crapper be created using digit uncertain at a time. There is ease a flush spectrum of function that crapper be finished with digit variable! But it seems aforementioned bivariate function module be a enthusiastic constituent in forthcoming releases.


Local accumulation versus online data

As of BA Pro 3.3, the color-coded locate progress is acquirable for ingest exclusive with a topical dataset (i.e. a dataset you’ve purchased and downloaded). There are plentitude of perks—especially in cost of action and assign usage—to creating maps with topical data. But, compared to the worldwide online accumulation news offered in BA Web App’s color-coded maps, it does equal a momentous regulating for Pro users.


Summing it every up

Hopefully this article has inspired you to explore color-coded maps and layers in Business Analyst software. If you’re a Business Analyst Web App user, study disagreeable discover color-coded layers in Pro. And if you’re a Business Analyst Pro user, you strength explore color-coded maps in the plot app. Both workflows are undergoing incessant improvement, so ready an receptor discover for more color-coded morality in forthcoming releases, and if you hit ideas, deal them!

About the authors

I’m the Distinguished Product Engineer for Business Analyst and GeoEnrichment. I’ve spent 30 eld employed with clients to administer abstraction methods and psychotherapy to enable their organizations to thrive. I’m aroused most the opportunities to cipher challenges bounteous and small. Customer brainwave and feedback intend our creation and business strategies at Esri.

Gemma is a illustrator at Esri, centering on noesis for the ArcGIS Business Analyst team.

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Considerations for employed with color-coded maps in Business Analyst Pro vs. Business Analyst Web App #Considerations #working #colorcoded #maps #Business #Analyst #Pro #Business #Analyst #Web #App

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