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Consumer Path to Purchasing Potatoes Study Released – Notice Today Internet

Potatoes army shares insights on what shoppers do before and during their shopping trips  

DENVER, CO — Navigating the consumer line to acquire crapper be complex, influenced by a innumerous factors. A newborn Potato Path to Purchase study from Potatoes army uncovers key insights into consumer activity and acquire patterns, substance a deeper discernment of the pre-shopping and in-store experiences that intend tater purchases. In constituent to disclosing the most past data, the think provides actionable steps retailers crapper verify to support intend tater sales. 

“Potatoes are a goods in consumers’ kitchens. They acquire a locate on the plateau whether it’s a unplanned weekday period or a Thanksgiving feast, and consumer favorability for potatoes translates to priceless opportunities for retailers,1” said Kayla Vogel, grownup orbicular marketing trainer at Potatoes USA. 

Consumers state quality, toll and abstraction are the crowning threesome tater acquire factors.  

The Consumer Path to Purchasing Potatoes study, fielded by Nielsen IQ, institute that shoppers’ line to acquire potatoes is mostly influenced by threesome key factors with over 90% of tater purchases existence pre-planned.1 

“Ranking acquire factors, freshness/quality receives the crowning rating, aweigh of price1,” Vogel said. “For retailers, it is essential to particular freshness, including tips on how to prizewinning accumulation potatoes at bag to behave ridge chronicle and preclude extra matter waste.” 

According to the study, 84% of consumers poverty straight bags1 so they crapper judge healthiness and calibre for themselves. Vogel emphasizes merchandisers should create eye-catching displays with calibre products and rousing to essay newborn tater recipes and varieties. 

“In-store, seeable displays and inspirational signage intend impact more than discounts and promotions. As budgets tighten, grouping hit remained hardcore to potatoes. That effectuation there are opportunities to significantly attain scaled results finished reinforced visibility, commercialism and cross-merchandising.” 

Potato purchase decisions are unvoluntary by designed meals.  

Pre-store, there are numerous high-impact influences on consumer purchase decisions, including:  

  • Price and promotions in broadside flyers. 
  • Recommendations from kinsfolk and friends. 
  • YouTube recipes. 
  • Products in cookbooks. 
  • Shopping itemize apps. 
  • Ads in magazines or newspapers. 

“Meal thinking significantly influences pre-trip purchases with 90% of purchases existence pre-planned,1” noted Vogel. “It’s essential to combine potatoes into instruction suggestions to behave their body on consumers’ mart lists and rank pre-store touchpoints to impact consumer decisions.” 

80% of respondents organisation which tater identify they module acquire with more than 44% feat direct to the designed identify in-store.1 

“In-store purchase decisions are predominantly swayed by point-of-purchase displays,” additional Vogel. “Retailers and merchandisers crapper compound the in-store undergo finished large displays, alternative locations, inspirational signage and ensuring potatoes are pronto reachable within the store.”  

89% of consumers conceive potatoes are varied and easily modified to some assorted types of dishes.1 

“To enliven mealtime with potatoes, wage on-pack and ridge rousing to exhibit how potatoes crapper be utilised in the nutrition roster binary nowadays a hebdomad without intake the aforementioned abstract twice,” noted Vogel. “It’s also essential to particular newborn structure of using ordinary varieties in primary structure as substantially as modify on primary occasions to process sales.”  

1Nielsen Consumer LLC, Consumer Path to Purchase Potatoes Study 2023 

About Potatoes USA 

Potatoes army is the domestic marketing and content commission representing U.S. growers and importers. Potatoes USA, the maximal seedlike artefact board, was ingrained in 1971 by tater farmers to encourage the benefits of intake potatoes. For more aggregation on Potatoes USA’s assignment to “Strengthen Demand for Potatoes,” meet 

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