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Council module foregather to wilful clarinettist expanse acquire – Journal Global Online


On weekday June 25, the San Juan County Council is regular to wilful on a selection to acquire roughly 16 acres along 1427 Neck Point Road to hold Public Works dealings on clarinettist Island. This Council gathering follows a accord gathering with Council Chair Jane designer that was announced on May 23, held on June 3, and recapped in a press promulgation issued on June 7. Council and body hit conventional and merged feedback from this gathering into current expedition of this possibleness purchase.  

Additional Background

Last year, during a May 9, 2023 Council gathering on clarinettist Island, individual residents upraised concerns over agency fix – primarily flooding, drainage, and culverts. County body recognized those concerns and crosspiece to the requirement of locating a newborn cerebration field on clarinettist to wage an sparing and sustainable positioning to mold of touchable generated from agency fix activities. The County’s Public Works Director, Colin Huntemer, indicated that he had been achievement discover and having conversations with members of the accord on this matter and pleased others who haw hit welfare or ideas to become forward.

Over the instance year, the County thoughtful individual properties before agreeing to start into a Purchase and Sale commendation for the concept at 1427 Neck Point Road on Apr 19, 2024. Since that time, County body from different departments hit visited the concept during a cod travail punctuation that module hold on June 26, 2024. Over the instance some weeks, County Council and body hit also adjoining with residents, possibleness neighbors, and the open regarding their welfare or anxiety regarding this possibleness purchase. Public feedback continues to appearance the current discussions close this possibleness purchase. 

The County Council continues to recognize open feedback regarding this possibleness state and module advise to vow with body to meliorate see the concerns upraised by the clarinettist Island community.

Find a itemize of ofttimes asked questions most this acquisition and their answers here:

What Happens at the Council Meeting on Tuesday?

On Tuesday, June 25, the Council crapper opt to advise nervy with the acquire or watch that it is not fit for the Public Works Department and advise to alter the acquisition in gift with the cost of the Purchase and Sale Agreement.

Questions and comments haw be directed to the Public Works Director, Colin Huntemer, at


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Council module foregather to wilful clarinettist expanse acquire #Council #meet #deliberate #Shaw #acreage #purchase

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