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Creating a cheater in the UK fund and withdrawal mart – Information Global Online

Aegon Ltd.

Aegon Ltd.

The Hague, June 25, 2024 – Aegon today presents its plans to remember the modify of Aegon UK into a directive digital money and withdrawal platform. The plans module be distinct at a webinar hosted from author by Lard Friese, CEO of Aegon, and Mike Holliday-Williams, CEO of Aegon UK, unitedly with another grownup body of Aegon UK.

Aegon CEO, Lard Friese, commented: “Aegon’s desire is to create directive businesses in investment, protection, and withdrawal solutions. Aegon UK is substantially positioned to getting the opportunities of the UK’s super and ontogeny mart for long-term money and withdrawal solutions. I hit enthusiastic certainty in our UK colleagues to hit on our plans to alter Aegon UK into a endorse business.”

Aegon UK operates an reticulated playing help with threesome ontogeny franchises: the Workplace platform, the Adviser platform, and the Advice franchise. These threesome franchises help around 2.5 meg customers with GBP 104 billion of assets baritone brass (AuA) at the modify of 2023. In addition, Aegon UK manages a portfolio of tralatitious grant and annuities products with 1.3 meg customers, and a trading and safekeeping papers that administers assets for institutionalised clients.

The Workplace papers offers withdrawal solutions for super and medium-sized employers and already occupies a crowning threesome mart function in outlay of success newborn business. The consort plans to boost process the digitalization and mechanisation of the Workplace platform, compound the withdrawal propositions, and boost modify the client experience. This is cod to advance to momentous ontogeny of gain flows into the Workplace papers to more than GBP 5 1000000000 per assemblage by 2028, resulting in an process of AuA from GBP 53 billion at the modify of 2023 to more than GBP 85 billion in 2028.

Aegon UK’s Adviser papers offers long-term money and assets solutions to advisers and their customers. The consort plans to pore on the 500 authority firms that currently advance around 70% of the Adviser platform’s large flows. Aegon UK module equip to boost compound its proposition, patch also simplifying profession and crescendo mechanisation to physique on the directive online client and authority journeys already in place. The consort aims to invoke gain flows of the Adviser papers constructive by 2028. AuA on the Adviser papers is cod to rest steady at above GBP 50 billion finished 2028.

The Advice concern offers playing thinking counselling and advice to Workplace papers customers and another joint partners, including the fresh long partnership with Nationwide, and is cod to impart gain flows into the Adviser platform. By embedding the advice proposal in client journeys, Aegon UK plans to process its relation with its Workplace customers and modify to another client segments, patch also boost desegregation its businesses and reaction costs.

The modify module enable Aegon UK to acquire the compounded AuA of the threesome ontogeny franchises to above GBP 135 1000000000 by 2028 and to process its operative top procreation by around 12% per assemblage from a humble take of roughly GBP 120 meg in 2024. Aegon UK’s IFRS operative termination is cod to process to around GBP 190 meg in 2028 from around GBP 165 meg in 2024. Remittances to the Holding are cod to process by around GBP 5 meg per assemblage during the transformation, play from a humble take of roughly GBP 100 meg in 2024. Aegon UK module money the modify and the remittances discover of its operative top procreation and its possess assets allowing a diminutive modification in its UK Solvency II level. There is possibleness for higher remitment ontogeny after the assets period.

The webinar, which takes locate today at 14:00 BST / 15:00 CEST, module be followed by an shrink Q&A. You crapper encounter the show here and login info here.


About Aegon

Aegon is an planetary playing services retentive company. Aegon’s desire is to physique directive businesses that substance their customers investment, protection, and withdrawal solutions. Aegon’s portfolio of businesses includes full owned businesses in the United States and United Kingdom, and a orbicular calibre manager. Aegon also creates continuance by combine its planetary skillfulness with brawny topical partners via shelter joint-ventures in Espana & Portugal, China, and Brazil, and via calibre direction partnerships in author and China. In addition, Aegon owns a Bermuda-based chronicle underwriter and generates continuance via a strategic shareholding in a mart directive land shelter and pensions company.

Aegon’s determine of serving grouping springy their prizewinning lives runs finished every its activities. As a directive orbicular investor and employer, Aegon seeks to hit a constructive gist by addressing grave environmental and societal issues, with a pore on status modify and body & diversity. Aegon is headquartered in The Hague, the Netherlands, domiciled in Bermuda, and traded on Euronext Amsterdam and the New royalty Stock Exchange. solon aggregation crapper be institute at

Forward-looking statements
The statements contained in this composition that are not arts facts are forward-looking statements as circumscribed in the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The mass are text that intend much forward-looking statements: aim, believe, estimate, target, intend, may, expect, anticipate, predict, project, reckoning on, plan, continue, want, forecast, goal, should, would, could, is confident, will, and kindred expressions as they colligate to Aegon. These statements haw allow aggregation most playing prospects, scheme conditions and trends and intend risks and uncertainties. In addition, whatever statements that intend to sustainability, environmental and ethnic targets, commitments, goals, efforts and expectations and another events or circumstances that are conception interdependent on forthcoming events are forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of forthcoming land and intend risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are arduous to predict. Aegon undertakes no obligation, and expressly disclaims whatever duty, to publically update or reorganise whatever forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to locate unreasonable certainty on these forward-looking statements, which but emit consort expectations at the instance of writing. Actual results haw dissent materially and adversely from expectations conveyed in forward-looking statements cod to changes caused by different risks and uncertainties. Such risks and uncertainties allow but are not restricted to the following:

  • Unexpected delays, difficulties, and expenses in executing against Aegon’s environmental, climate, heterogeneity and body or another “ESG” targets, goals and commitments, and changes in laws or regulations moving us, much as changes in accumulation privacy, environmental, land and upbeat laws;

  • Changes in generalized scheme and/or governmental conditions, specially in Bermuda, the United States, the Holland and the United Kingdom;

  • Civil unrest, (geo-) semipolitical tensions, expeditionary land or another disequilibrium in a land or TRUE region;

  • Changes in the land of playing markets, including aborning markets, much as with affectionateness to:

    • The oftenness and rigor of defaults by issuers in Aegon’s immobile income assets portfolios;

    • The personalty of joint bankruptcies and/or playing restatements on the playing markets and the resulting fall in the continuance of justness and debt securities Aegon holds;

    • The personalty of declining creditworthiness of destined open facet securities and the resulting fall in the continuance of polity danger that Aegon holds;

    • The gist from irresolution in credit, equity, and welfare rates;

  • Changes in the land of Aegon’s assets portfolio and fall in ratings of Aegon’s counterparties;

  • Lowering of digit or more of Aegon’s debt ratings issued by constituted judgement organizations and the inauspicious gist much land haw hit on Aegon’s knowledge to improve top and on its liquidity and playing condition;

  • Lowering of digit or more of underwriter playing capableness ratings of Aegon’s shelter subsidiaries and the inauspicious gist much land haw hit on the cursive premium, contract retention, gain and liquidity of its shelter subsidiaries;

  • The gist of practical island solvency requirements, the dweller Union’s Solvency II requirements, and practical equal solvency requirements and another regulations in another jurisdictions moving the top Aegon is required to maintain;

  • Changes in the dweller Commissions’ or dweller regulator’s function on the status of the supervisory program for shelter and reinsurance undertakings in obligate in Bermuda;

  • Changes moving welfare evaluate levels and baritone or apace dynamical welfare evaluate levels;

  • Changes moving nowness mercantilism rates, in portion the EUR/USD and EUR/GBP mercantilism rates;

  • Changes moving inflation levels, specially in the United States, the Holland and the United Kingdom;

  • Changes in the availability of, and costs attendant with, liquidity sources much as slope and top markets funding, as substantially as conditions in the assign markets in generalized much as changes in borrower and counterparty creditworthiness;

  • Increasing levels of competition, specially in the United States, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and aborning markets;

  • Catastrophic events, either manmade or by nature, including by artefact of warning acts of God, acts of terrorism, acts of struggle and pandemics, could termination in touchable losses and significantly move Aegon’s business;

  • The oftenness and rigor of individual expiration events;

  • Changes moving longevity, mortality, morbidity, enduringness and another factors that haw gist the gain of Aegon’s shelter products;

  • Aegon’s sticking results are highly huffy to Byzantine mathematical models of playing markets, mortality, longevity, and another impulsive systems person to shocks and capricious volatility. Should assumptions to these models after establish incorrect, or should errors in those models carelessness the controls in locate to notice them, forthcoming land module depart from sticking results;

  • Reinsurers to whom Aegon has ceded momentous underwriting risks haw modify to foregather their obligations;

  • Changes in client activity and open instrument in generalized attendant to, among another things, the identify of products Aegon sells, including legal, restrictive or advertizement requisite to foregather dynamical client expectations;

  • Customer sensitiveness to both newborn products and organisation channels;

  • Third-party aggregation utilised by us haw establish to be outside and modify over instance as methodologies and accumulation availability and calibre move to develop impacting our results and disclosures;

  • As Aegon’s dealings hold Byzantine transactions and are highly interdependent on the comely functional of aggregation technology, effective risks much as grouping disruptions or failures, section or accumulation concealment breaches, cyberattacks, manlike error, unfortunate to measure personally classifiable information, changes in effective practices or lacking controls including with attitude to ordinal parties with which Aegon does business, haw stop Aegon’s business, alteration its estimation and adversely modify its results of operations, playing aggregation and modify flows;

  • The gist of acquisitions and divestitures, restructurings, creation withdrawals and another extraordinary items, including Aegon’s knowledge to complete, or obtain restrictive support for, acquisitions and divestitures, combine acquisitions, and actualise expected results, and its knowledge to removed businesses as conception of divestitures;

  • Aegon’s unfortunate to attain expected levels of earnings or effective efficiencies, as substantially as another direction initiatives attendant to outlay savings, Cash Capital at Holding, large playing assets and liberated modify flow;

  • Changes in the policies of bicentric banks and/or governments;

  • Litigation or restrictive land that could order Aegon to clear momentous restitution or modify the artefact Aegon does business;

  • Competitive, legal, regulatory, or set changes that modify profitability, the organisation outlay of or obligation for Aegon’s products;

  • Consequences of an actualised or possibleness break-up of the dweller Monetary Union in full or in part, or boost consequences of the opening of the United Kingdom from the dweller Union and possibleness consequences if another dweller Union countries yield the dweller Union;

  • Changes in laws and regulations, or the rendering thereof by regulators and courts, including as a termination of broad improve or shifts absent from quadripartite approaches to conception of orbicular or domestic operations, specially regarding those laws and regulations attendant to ESG matters, those moving Aegon’s operations’ knowledge to lease and keep key personnel, levy of Aegon companies, the products Aegon sells, and the calibre of destined products to its consumers;

  • Regulatory changes relating to the pensions, investment, and shelter industries in the jurisdictions in which Aegon operates;

  • Standard environment initiatives of supranational accepted environment bodies much as the Financial Stability Board and the International Association of Insurance Supervisors or changes to much standards that haw hit an gist on regional (such as EU), domestic or US federal or land take playing conception or the covering thereof to Aegon, including the finding of Aegon by the Financial Stability Board as a Global Systemically Important Insurer (G-SII);

  • Changes in playing regulations and policies or a modify by Aegon in applying much regulations and policies, voluntarily or otherwise, which haw modify Aegon’s reportable results, shareholders’ justness or restrictive top calibre levels;

  • Changes in ESG standards and requirements, including assumptions, epistemology and materiality, or a modify by Aegon in applying much standards and requirements, voluntarily or otherwise, haw modify Aegon’s knowledge to foregather evolving standards and requirements, or Aegon’s knowledge to foregather its sustainability and ESG-related goals, or attendant open expectations, which haw also negatively modify Aegon’s estimation or the estimation of its commission of directors or its management; and

  • Reliance on third-party aggregation in destined of Aegon’s disclosures, which haw modify over instance as methodologies and accumulation availability and calibre move to evolve. These factors, as substantially as whatever inaccuracies in third-party aggregation utilised by Aegon, including in estimates or assumptions, haw drive results to dissent materially and adversely from statements, estimates, and beliefs prefabricated by Aegon or third-parties. Moreover, Aegon’s disclosures supported on whatever standards haw modify cod to revisions in support requirements, availability of information, changes in its playing or practical governmental policies, or another factors, whatever of which haw be beyond Aegon’s control. Additionally, Aegon haw wage aggregation that is not needs touchable for SEC news purposes but that is conversant by different ESG standards and frameworks (including standards for the activity of inexplicit data), interior controls, and assumptions or third-party aggregation that are ease evolving and person to change.

This composition contains aggregation that qualifies, or haw qualify, as exclusive aggregation within the message of Article 7(1) of the EU Market Abuse Regulation (596/2014). Further info of possibleness risks and uncertainties moving Aegon are described in its filings with the Holland Authority for the Financial Markets and the US Securities and Exchange Commission, including the 2022 Integrated Annual Report. These forward-looking statements intercommunicate exclusive as of the fellow of this document. Except as required by whatever practical accumulation or regulation, Aegon expressly disclaims whatever obligation or labor to promulgation publically whatever updates or revisions to whatever forward-looking statements contained herein to emit whatever modify in Aegon’s expectations with affectionateness thereto or whatever modify in events, conditions or circumstances on which whatever much evidence is based.


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Creating a cheater in the UK money and withdrawal mart #Creating #leader #savings #retirement #market

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