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Enhancing Accessibility in Web Apps – Journal Global Online

Creating reachable scheme applications is not meet most compliant with jural standards; it’s most creating an comprehensive digital surround where every users crapper interact comfortably. One essential characteristic of this is conformation individual alternative for reduced motion.

We’ll explore ground activity low change alternative is important, how it is based within ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, and how you crapper combine low change hold into your applications.

Why activity low change alternative is important

Animations aren’t for everyone, and whatever users crapper undergo hurt or inauspicious upbeat personalty with destined types of motion. Supporting individual alternative for low change ensures you are creating an surround where more users crapper hit a gratifying experience.

Some benefits in activity low change alternative include:

  1. Minimizing change sense and getting risk: As mentioned, whatever users undergo hurt or inauspicious upbeat effects, much as dizziness, nausea, or headaches, cod to change animations on scheme pages, much as a sliding panel. This is specially current among those with vestibular change disorders or individuals unerect to change sickness. Other types of animations, same fast undergo or high-contrast movements, crapper causing seizures in grouping with sensitive epilepsy.
  2. Improving individual experience: Providing options for low change ensures more users, disregarding of their fleshly conditions, crapper hit a gratifying undergo in your apps. Users module see more easy and in curb if they crapper change the settings to correct their needs and preferences.
  3. Adopting availableness standards: Various availableness standards and guidelines, much as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Success Criterion 2.3.3: Animation from interactions, exponent for low change alternative to secure scheme noesis is reachable to a broader audience.

Reduced change hold in 2D maps

As of version 4.30 (June 2024), the JavaScript Maps SDK supports low change alternative in 2D MapViews. When users hit enabled low change or unfit animations in the operative grouping or browser, animations module be distant when navigating the transpose using MapView.goTo(), or with components or widgets much as Search and Bookmarks. Additionally, panning momentum will also be disabled.

ArcGIS Online apps

Since June 2024, ArcGIS Online apps using the JavaScript Maps SDK edition 4.30 also acquire low change hold for 2D maps, which allow Map Viewer, ArcGIS Instant Apps, ArcGIS Dashboards, ArcGIS StoryMaps, and ArcGIS Experience Builder.

Default animations

Warning: Playing the choice animations recording could effect audience with vestibular change disorders or individuals unerect to change sickness.

A scheme function covering with choice animations using JavaScript Maps SDK edition 4.30 and Calcite edition 2.8.5. The loader, bookmarks, and map navigation animations are enabled in the application.

Reduced change support

A scheme function covering with low animations using JavaScript Maps SDK edition 4.30 and Calcite edition 2.8.5. Animations are reduced with the loader and removed from the bookmarks, zoom, and transpose navigation.

App developers crapper end whether or not their app honors low change alternative with the config.respectPrefersReducedMotion setting. While this choice is available, it is not advisable unless your application requires animation. The tacit environment is true message that the SDK, by default, module verify the user’s low change alternative (if any).

How to physique low change hold into your applications

While we hit shapely hold for low change into JavaScript Maps SDK, there are added steps you crapper verify to hold low change alternative in your apps. For instance:

  • Removing non-essential animations
  • Adding a play/pause fix to provide a individual curb over animations
  • For animations that add environment or meaning, study minimizing the change using the prefers-reduced-motion media query

Detect individual preference

Browsers hold the prefers-reduced-motion media query, which allows you to notice if a individual has requested low change in their operative grouping settings.

The CSS @media ask crapper be utilised to notice a alternative for low motion, and allows you to administer limited CSS rules, as shown in the piece below.

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  /* CSS rules for low change */

Similarly, the matchMedia method in JavaScript allows you to analyse for the prefers-reduced-motion media ask and update your covering accordingly.

const isReduced = window.matchMedia(`(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)`).matches;

Join us at the 2024 Esri User Conference

The 2024 Esri User Conference named GIS – Uniting Our World is Monday, July 15 finished Friday, July 19, 2024 in San Diego, California. This year’s word features six availableness offerings ranging from screen and scheme accessibility, and includes individual presentations.

Tuesday, July 16:

Wednesday, July 17:

Thursday, July 18:

Further exploration

Web availableness is a consistently evolving matter and it crapper be hard to undergo what the prizewinning resolution crapper be for your app. It is essential to continually appraise the availableness of your noesis and encounter structure to meliorate experiences for your users.

Curious to see more most animations and availableness in your apps? Navigate to whatever added availableness resources, including:

About the authors

Anne Fitz is a Senior Product Engineer at Esri, employed on the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript and ArcGIS Arcade. Her skillfulness primarily focuses on impulsive agent symbology (CIM symbols), accumulation visualization, animation, ArcGIS Arcade integration, and widgets. Anne’s direct content is to support developers follow in antiquity geospatial applications, providing them with the tools and noesis they requirement to alter their ideas to life. She has been with Esri for over fivesome years.

Passionate most scheme transpose availableness and transfer the scheme and maps to wider audiences. A grownup creation organise with Calcite Design System. Enjoys exploring Minnesota’s wild and has a content to meet every field association ballgame structure crossways America.

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Enhancing Accessibility in Web Apps #Enhancing #Accessibility #Web #Apps

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