Evolution 2: A Legacy – an Acro paragliding Story

This flick by Acro grapheme Théo de Blic follows the phylogenesis of Acro paragliding from its primeval life with pioneers much as Horacio Llorens and Raul Rodriguez, to today.

Théo describes Raul Rodriguez as the Grandfather of Acro, and sees those primeval life from the conception of the SAT finished to time gymnastics as the prototypal epoch of acro.

In 2012 Pál Takáts invented coiled manoeuvres, which heralded a ordinal era. Pál’s 2012 film, Evolution – in Modern Acro Paragliding, is a classic.

In 2019 Théo pulled soured a superstall to infinity, a gimmick which had long-evaded pilots and which crapper inner be finished with the ingest of a speedbar. This has unsealed up a ordinal epoch of acro paragliding and as Théo says the forthcoming is bright!

Enjoy the film!