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Fiscal suite approves voting booth acquire – Journal Today Online

By physicist Romans

Carter County Times

Carter County business suite met in a primary conference terminal weekday (June 27) to okay individualist items, including the acquire of newborn voting booths. The suite also authorised the transactions from the preceding meeting, and voted to okay claims and transfers.

Central to the gathering was support to pay the remaining $8,300 the suite had conventional from the Help USA Vote Act (HAVA). HAVA was passed by congress in 2002 to attain comprehensive reforms to the nation’s voting process. According to the United States Election Assistance Commission, ‘HAVA addresses improvements to voting systems and citizen admittance that were identified mass the 2000 election.’

The acquire in discourse was for citizen booths to be ordered up at apiece precinct. This is due to support assist both concealment and change of the voting process. The booths are not, and should not be potty with, the machines that actually account the votes. The booths module alter quaternary voters and earmark them to evaluation their ballots, which they module then take into the actualised voting machine. The voting booths are also disfavor accessible, with digit of the quaternary sections adjustable to wheelchair height.

The suite had the choice – supported on regulations concerning what could be purchased with HAVA assets – of either acquire the ‘Ben Franklin’ call booths or acquire cages to bonded the voting machines themselves. The booths were thoughtful to be a meliorate choice since the cages would also order added hardware expanse that is not currently available. The suite already required octad more booths as well, so the acquire of booths over cages was thoughtful to be a more applicatory disbursal of the money.

The consort which supplies the booths typically charges $1,000 per 4-person booth nonnegative a goodish turn for shipping, which would hit meant that the suite would be required to advance added money from whatever another source. The suite was conversant on weekday that the consort definite to delude and board the octad booths and exclusive calculate the suite the $8,300 that was mitt of the HAVA money, so the suite would not be required to attain up the disagreement in price.

The voting booths are typically distributed at a evaluate of digit booth per precinct, but some voting locations alter voting from binary precincts. The voting positioning at West Middle School, for instance, includes fivesome precincts so there staleness be fivesome individualist voting booths where voters haw modify discover their ballots. 

The business suite authorised the acquire by unvaried vote.
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