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Greedflation sweeps mart | – Notice Global Web

The “inflation of greed” in the Hellenic mart during the punctuation of the pandemic and the forcefulness crisis was addicted on weekday by accumulation from the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO).

According to its quarterly report, presented by its coordinator, Professor Ioannis Tsoukalas, of the amount 16% process in inflation between the ordinal lodge of 2019 and the prototypal lodge of 2024, the deal of profits was 9%, compared to exclusive 4.1% of fag costs.

“The psychotherapy shows that earnings contributed more than twice as such to additive ontogeny in flat value finished 2024 as remuneration costs,” the inform notes. In contrast, in the eurozone, fag costs hit prefabricated a brawny effort to inflation, at around 10%.

As spinous discover in the report, “businesses, either for reasons of anaemic rivalry or cod to accumulated obligation that came from the accumulated fund have of households and tourism, managed to transfer on the increases in imported costs to prices and significantly increase their profits.” The PBO notes that the phenomenon was observed in every eurozone countries during the prototypal form of the inflationary shock, but with momentous differences per member-state.

According to figures publicised from instance to time, Ellas has condemned the advance in earnings inflation, occupying digit of the prototypal positions in the EU. Moreover, according to a think by National Bank of Ellas terminal May, most 5 proportionality points of the amount toll hikes in matter in the terminal digit eld are cod to greedflation – i.e. crescendo acquire margins in the retail market. In boost grounds of the phenomenon, the Governor’s Report of the Bank of Ellas in Apr expressed that the acquire edge of businesses in 2021 and 2022 accumulated cumulatively by 15%.

The PBO think shows, however, that “in the terminal year, the deal of remuneration costs has exceeded the deal of profits in inflation.” Of the amount modify in the value deflator of 2.8% in the punctuation between Q1 2023 and Q1 2024, the deal of fag costs accounts for 1.65% in oppositeness to the deal of earnings which has been low to 0.8%.

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