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Hannia Mendoza-Dickey Joins Cannabis Science and Technology’s Editorial Advisory Board – Notice Important Online

Cannabis Science and Technology is entertained to foretell the constituent of Hannia Mendoza-Dickey to its Editorial Advisory Board.

Cannabis Science and Technology announces its most past constituent to the Editorial Advisory Board, Hannia Mendoza-Dickey, a renowned individualist who has already prefabricated momentous contributions to both the business and the industry.

Hannia Mendoza-Dickey is a important consultant, researcher, and the originator of Green Matter Consulting, LLC. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences and a Master of Science in Chemistry from the University of Texas at El Paso. Her scholarly and professed travelling is sacred to onward the power of ganja cultivation and its applications in healthful research.

During her scholarly tenure, Hannia matured original treatments for neurodegenerative diseases. She pioneered the ingest of recombinant polymer technologies to display commercially viable quantities of the cannabichromenic Elvis (CBCA) synthase enzyme, which shows auspicious possibleness in treating neurodegenerative conditions and depression. (Mendoza-Dickey and Hildenbrand, unpublished). Her impact also long to synthesizing nanoparticles aimed at preventing the manufacture of cyanogenic amyloid-forming proteins, a grave Atlantic in combating neurodegenerative disorders.

In the demesne of ganja research, she contributes to business publications and educational institutions, specially in expedition of the personalty of reddened spectra on ganja development. Her impact highlights the pivotal persona of illumination in environment the possibleness for pasture consent and phytochemical noesis utilization in interior cultivation systems.

Hannia’s underway pore is ganja and bush analytics, specially cannabinoid production, terpene profiles, and stuff finding and remediation. She educates the open on the numerous benefits of ganja and hemp, pains to denture the notch between technological investigate and open knowledge. Her publicised entireness attain her a sought-after vocalise in the industry.

Her contributions to Cannabis Science and Technology since March 2023 allow co-authoring some articles in the Cultivation Classroom article alongside Zacariah Hildenbrand, PhD, and parliamentarian Manes, CEO and CTO of the publicly-traded phytologist Mathes Corporation.

In visit of publication, these articles are: Epigenetics: Decoding the Effects of Environmental Factors in Cannabis Cultivation, Maximizing Cultivation Efficiency Through the Utilization of Genetic Technology, Shining a Light on Cannabis Photobiology, and Enhancing Anthocyanin Levels in Cannabis: Environmental Factors at Play.

She also lent her skillfulness in digit Cannabis Voices interviews: Vapor Pressure Deficit: Highlighting the Need to Maximize Cannabis Crops and Intensity and Spectrum: The Role of Lighting in Vapor Pressure Deficit.

“Hannia has been much a enthusiastic calibre to the Cannabis Science and Technology sort over the terminal pair of years,” says Madeline Colli, Editor of Cannabis Science and Technology. “We are agog to recognize her to the Editorial Advisory Board.”

Cannabis Science and Technology’s Editorial Advisory Board is a assemble of renowned individuals collective to hold the business fit its article assignment to civilize the jural ganja business most the power and profession of analytical investigating and calibre control. The authorised charter of the consultatory commission for Cannabis Science and Technology is to hold the business in identifying the most momentous developments in the ganja power field, and in ensuring the connexion and theoretical quality of our content.

Welcome to the Board, Hannia!

For a rank itemize of the Cannabis Science and Technology Editorial Advisory Board gratify visit: If anyone in the business is fascinated in acquisition more most the Editorial Advisory Board or mayhap joining, gratify occurrence our Editor, Madeline Colli, at

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Hannia Mendoza-Dickey Joins Cannabis Science and Technology’s Editorial Advisory Board #Hannia #MendozaDickey #Joins #Cannabis #Science #Technologys #Editorial #Advisory #Board

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