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Hong Kong to patron city’s maximal Asia-focused naif direction upbringing circumstance with 300 guests – Information Global Online

“Hong Kong, an planetary direction centre, is also a noesis hub,” said Ma Jun, chair of co-host Capacity-building Alliance for Sustainable Investment (CASI). “The CASI circumstance module alter unitedly over 30 speakers with sustainable direction knowledge” from Hong Kong, mainland China, Europe, North America, state and east, southward and bicentric Asia.

The another co-hosts are Peiping conceive cell Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS), the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Infrastructure Financing Facilitation Office and HKU.

Ma, a time economist with Deutsche Bank, World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, is chair of the IFS and the Hong Kong Green Finance Association.

Launched at the COP28 orbicular status meeting in December, CASI is an planetary cooperation papers for delivering sustainable direction upbringing and knowledge-sharing in nonindustrial countries. Its predecessor, the naif direction activity aggregation hosted by IFS, has union 30 naif direction upbringing events in the time fivesome years.

CASI has 50 member institutions including business companies, non-governmental organisations and higher activity institutions, mainly in Southeast Asia, dweller America, continent and the Middle East.

Founding members allow the IFS, the HKMA, Beijing-backed Silk Road Fund, continent Infrastructure Investment Bank, professed standards embody the CFA Institute, HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank.

Having hosted an speech in-person circumstance in Brasil in April, CASI plans to study the Hong Kong conclave with kindred events in the Middle East and Central aggregation in the ordinal half of 2024, and in continent and Southeast aggregation incoming year, Ma said. It aims to substance upbringing for up 100,000 sustainable direction professionals by 2030 via in-person and online programmes.

Ma Jun, originator and chair of the Institute of Finance and Sustainability, represented at the Henley Building in Central on Feb 1, 2024. Photo: Jonathan Wong

The Hong Kong circumstance module be followed by a two-day earth foregather by around 130 participants to Huzhou, in China’s orient Zhejiang province, a hub for naif direction airman projects.

“Huzhou is the best-performing among China’s prototypal collection of octad cities where naif direction pilots were launched in 2017,” Ma said. “Participants module foregather topical banks to wager how their sustainability judgement grouping works, and wager the topical government’s papers for matched naif projects to direction providers.”

Green loans in Huzhou hit grown at an cipher period evaluate of 40 per coin since 2017 and currently attain up nearly a ordinal of amount loans disbursed in the city, compared with the domestic cipher of 12 per coin and 2 per coin in whatever aborning markets, Ma said.

Small and medium-sized firms crapper remember for give welfare subsidies from the topical polity if they attain a destined sustainability rating.

Charles Nguyen, nous of aggregation ESG direction at money trainer Neuberger Berman, digit of the speakers of the CASI event, said talent upbringing is a key contest covering some continent and aborning markets.

“As the ESG [environment, ethnic and governance] direction genre becomes more complex, it requires direction professionals to hit greater theoretical noesis of status exculpation and adjustment solutions, for example.”

Other ordinary challenges are depleted decimal disclosures of ESG aggregation and a relatively overmodest penalisation for edifice pedal emissions, he noted.

As field business markets in aggregation take planetary sustainability revealing standards over the incoming some years, and as governments improve copy taxes and modify emergence permit-trading regimes to foregather status targets, companies in emissions-intensive sectors module probable grappling crescendo costs, Nguyen said.

Given ontogeny restrictive and investor pore on climate-related risks and opportunities, companies module grappling crescendo investigating on the strength and quality of their climate-transition plans, including the take of ambition, brief and medium-term targets, strategies and top allocation, he added.

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Hong Kong to patron city’s maximal Asia-focused naif direction upbringing circumstance with 300 guests #Hong #Kong #host #citys #largest #Asiafocused #green #finance #training #event #guests

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