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How to Speed up Your Angular App With Web Workers – Notice Today Web

Why do you requirement a Web Worker? A Web Worker is a cipher factor for a scheme application. It allows the developer to create a newborn arrange of enforcement for a JavaScript duty so it doesn’t advise the enforcement of the essential app.

At prototypal glance, it haw seem that browsers inherently hold threading and that the developer shouldn’t hit to do anything special. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Web Workers cipher a actualised concurrency problem.

Web Workers are a conception of the due useful standards of scheme browsers, and the specifications for them hit been cursive up at the W3C. The Angular hold has enwrapped up Web Workers for us, and we crapper easily add them to our app using the Angular Command Line Interface (CLI).

In this article, we’ll prototypal investigate whatever misconceptions most arrange concurrency with JavaScript in the browser. Then, we’ll create a useful warning demonstrating how cushy it is to compel Web Workers with Angular, which enables concurrent threading on a website.

Isn’t JavaScript Inherently Concurrent?

Some developers conceive that JavaScript is inherently concurrent in the covering because when the covering connects to a website and retrieves the HTML for a page, it crapper unstoppered binary connections (around six) and vantage resources (images, linked CSS files, linked JavaScript files, and so on) concurrently. It looks aforementioned the covering executes individual clothing and numerous tasks simultaneously (via surround switching).

To the inexperienced scheme developer, this seems to inform that the covering crapper do concurrent work. However, when it comes to JavaScript, the covering actually exclusive executes digit impact at a time.

Most recent websites, Single Page Apps (SPA), and the more recent Progressive Web Apps (PWA) depend on JavaScript and typically earmark numerous JavaScript modules. However, at whatever instance the scheme app is streaming JavaScript, the covering is restricted to a azygos arrange of activity. None of the JavaScript module removed concurrently low connatural circumstances.

That effectuation if we hit a long-running or process-intensive duty circumscribed in digit of our JavaScript modules, the individual haw undergo the app unarticulate or seeming to hang. At the aforementioned time, the covering waits for the impact to rank before the individual programme (UI) crapper be updated. This category of activity makes users retrograde certainty in our scheme apps or SPAs, and hour of us poverty that.

A Web Worker for JavaScript Concurrency

We’ll create an warning tender with digit panes to enable our scheme app to removed concurrent JavaScript threads. In digit pane, the UI of our covering is represented by a installation with circles, which constantly updates the equal and reacts to pussyfoot clicks. The ordinal pane module patron a long-running process, which ordinarily blocks the UI arrange and prevents the UI from doing its job.

Concurrent JavaScript threadsConcurrent JavaScript threads

To attain our UI responsive, we’ll removed our daylong impact in a Web Worker, which module fulfil it on a removed arrange and module not country UI system enforcement this way. We’ll ingest Angular as the hold for antiquity the app because it makes constructing the Web Workers a ultimate one-command task.

Setting up the Angular App

To ingest the Angular CLI, we requirement to hit Node.js and NPM (Node Package Manager) installed. Once we’ve prefabricated trusty Node and NPM are installed, unstoppered a housing window, then establish the Angular CLI via NPM (this is a one-time thing):

npm establish -g @angular/cli 

Change the directory to the direct directory where we poverty to create our newborn app template. Now, we are primed to create our app. We ingest the “ng new” bidding to do that. We module study our send NgWebWorker:

ng newborn NgWebWorker --no-standalone

The send wizard asks if we poverty to earmark routing in our project. We do not requirement routing for this example, so identify n.

It module then communicate what identify of stylesheet info we poverty to use. Angular supports using stylesheet processors such as Sass and Less, but in this case, we module ingest ultimate CSS, so meet advise Enter for the default.

Stylesheet formatStylesheet format

We module then wager whatever CREATE messages as NPM pulls the required packages and the programme creates the help project. Finally, when it is complete, we intend a blooming indicator again at the bidding line.

At this point, the Angular programme has created a send and settled it in the NgWebWorker folder. Change the directory to NgWebWorker. The Angular programme created everything we necessary to impact on our Angular project, including instalment the Node protocol server. That effectuation every we hit to do to intend the help app started is the following:

ng help 

Angular CLIAngular CLI

The Angular programme compiles your send and starts the Node protocol server. Now, you crapper alluviation the app in your covering by pointing it at the <a href=”http://localhost:4200″target=”_blank”> URL.

Our First Angular App From CLI

When we alluviation the page, we wager the base help with the send study at the top.

The goodness of streaming “ng serve” is that whatever changes prefabricated to the cipher module automatically drive the locate to change in the browser, making it such easier to wager changes verify effect.

Most of the cipher we’ll pore on is low the /src/app directory.

/src/app directory/src/app directory

app.component.html contains HTML for the digit factor currently utilised to pass the essential page. The factor cipher is represented in the app.component.ts (TypeScript) file.

We module withdraw the table of app.component.html and add our possess layout. We module create a removed tender that displays our long-running impact values on the mitt lateral and entertainer whatever haphazard circles on the correct side. This module earmark our covering to removed digit additional Web Worker clothing that module impact independently so you crapper wager Angular Web Workers in action.

All the cipher for the rest of the article crapper be obtained from the GitHub repository.

Here’s what the effort tender module countenance aforementioned patch it draws the haphazard circles (before the long-running impact starts).

Speed up your Angular App with Web WorkersSpeed up your Angular App with Web Workers

Replace the cipher in app.component.html with the following:

<div id="first">
  <div class="innerContainer">
    <button (click)="longLoop()">Start Long Process</button>

  <div class="innerContainer">
    <textarea rows="20" [value]="(longProcessOutput)"></textarea>

The cipher download also includes whatever IDs and CSS classes and related styles in styles.css, which are utilised for the rattling ultimate info of the UI, so we hit digit sections (left and right) and added base styling.

.container {
    width: 100%;
    margin: auto;
    padding: 1% 2% 0 1%;
    padding: 1%;
#first {
    width: 50%;
    height: 405px;
    background-color: lightblue;
    color: white;
#second {
    width: 50%;
    float: right;
    background-color: green;
    color: white;

The essential abstract to attending here is that we’ve additional an Angular circumstance protection (click) to the button. When the individual clicks the button, the daylong impact is started by occupation the longLoop method institute in the factor TypeScript file, app.component.ts.

title = 'NgWebWorker';
  longProcessOutput: progress = 'Long\nprocess\noutput\nwill\nappear\nhere\n';
  fibCalcStartVal: number;

  longLoop() {
    this.longProcessOutput = '';
    for (var x = 1; x <= 1000000000; x++) {
      var y = x / 3.2;
      if (x % 20000000 == 0) {
        this.longProcessOutput += x + '\n';

This runs 10 1000000000 iterations composition to a member uncertain of our component, longProcessOutput.

Because we’ve extremity that member uncertain in app.component.html (on the textarea element), the UI module emit the update apiece instance the uncertain is updated. The continuance we ordered in the HTML is where we bond the member variable.

<textarea rows="20" [value]="longProcessOutput"></textarea>

Run it. We’ll wager that invalid such happens when we utter the button, and then suddenly, the textarea is updated with a clump of values. If we unstoppered the console, we wager the values cursive there as the cipher runs.

Add a Random Circle Component Using the Angular CLI

Next, we’ll add a “circle” factor to entertainer haphazard circles. We crapper do that using the Angular programme with the mass command:

 ng create factor circle

The bidding created a newborn folder titled lot and created quaternary newborn files:

  • circle.component.html

  • circle.component.spec.ts (unit tests)

  • circle.component.ts (TypeScript code)

  • circle.component.css (styles that module exclusive be practical to related HTML for this component)

Generate factor circleGenerate factor circle

The HTML is straightforward. We meet requirement the HTML that module equal our component. In our case, this is the factor on the correct lateral of the page, which module pass the reddened naif installation and entertainer the circles. This art is finished via the HTML Canvas element.

<div id="second">
   <canvas #mainCanvas (mousedown)="toggleTimer()"></canvas>

We advise and kibosh the art of the circles by adding an Angular circumstance protection to clutch the mousedown event. If the individual clicks exclusive the Canvas Atlantic anywhere, the circles module begin art if the impact has not already started. If the impact is already started, then the toggleTimer method (found in circle.component.ts) clears the installation and stops the art of circles.

toggleTimer only uses setInterval to entertainer a lot in a haphazard positioning with a arbitrarily designated colouration every 100 milliseconds (10 circles/second).

   if (CircleComponent.IntervalHandle === null){
     CircleComponent.IntervalHandle = setInterval(this.drawRandomCircles,50);
     CircleComponent.IntervalHandle = null;

There’s more cipher in circle.component.ts that sets up the Canvas element, initializes member variables, and does the drawing. When added, your cipher should countenance aforementioned this:

import { ViewChild, Component, ElementRef, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-circle',
  templateUrl: './circle.component.html',
  styleUrl: './circle.component.css',
export collection CircleComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  denomination = 'NgWebWorker';

  noise IntervalHandle = null;

  noise ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
  GRID_LINES: sort = 20;
  lineInterval: sort = 0;
  gridColor: progress = 'lightgreen';
  noise CANVAS_SIZE: sort = 400;

  @ViewChild('mainCanvas', { static: simulated })
  mainCanvas: ElementRef;

  constructor() {
    console.log('ctor complete');

  ngAfterViewInit(): vacuum {
    CircleComponent.ctx = (<HTMLCanvasElement>(

  initApp() {
    CircleComponent.ctx.canvas.height = CircleComponent.CANVAS_SIZE;
    CircleComponent.ctx.canvas.width = CircleComponent.ctx.canvas.height;

  initBoard() {
    this.lineInterval = Math.floor(
      CircleComponent.ctx.canvas.width / this.GRID_LINES

  drawGrid() {
    CircleComponent.ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
    // modify the sheet scenery with white
    CircleComponent.ctx.fillStyle = 'white';

    for (var lineCount = 0; lineCount < this.GRID_LINES; lineCount++) {
      CircleComponent.ctx.fillStyle = this.gridColor;
        this.lineInterval * (lineCount + 1),
        this.lineInterval * (lineCount + 1),

  toggleTimer() {
    if (CircleComponent.IntervalHandle === null) {
      CircleComponent.IntervalHandle = setInterval(this.drawRandomCircles, 100);
    } additional {
      CircleComponent.IntervalHandle = null;

  noise generateRandomPoints() {
    var X = Math.floor(Math.random() * CircleComponent.CANVAS_SIZE); // info sort 0 to 649
    var Y = Math.floor(Math.random() * CircleComponent.CANVAS_SIZE); // info sort 0 to 649
    convey { x: X, y: Y };

  drawRandomCircles() {
    var p = CircleComponent.generateRandomPoints();

  noise drawPoint(currentPoint) {
    var RADIUS: sort = 10;

    var r: sort = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
    var g: sort = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
    var b: sort = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
    var rgbComposite: progress = 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';
    CircleComponent.ctx.strokeStyle = rgbComposite;
    CircleComponent.ctx.fillStyle = rgbComposite;
      2 * Math.PI
    // allPoints.push(currentPoint);

Don’t block to add the lot factor to the index.html file:


When the tender loads, the circles module begin drawing. When we utter the [Start Long Process] button, we module wager the art pause. That’s because every the impact is existence finished on the aforementioned thread.

Let’s mend that difficulty by adding a Web Worker.

Adding an Angular Web Worker

To add a newborn Web Worker using the CLI, we only go to our send folder, and fulfil the mass command:

ng create web-worker app 

That terminal constant (app) is the study of the factor that contains our long-running process, which we module poverty to locate into our Web Worker.

Generate web-worker appGenerate web-worker app

Angular module add whatever cipher to the app.component.ts that looks aforementioned the following:

if (typeof Worker !== 'undefined') {
  // Create a new
  const miss = newborn Worker(new URL('./app.worker', import.meta.url));
  worker.onmessage = ({ accumulation }) => {
    console.log(`page got message: ${data}`);
} additional {
  // Web Workers are not based in this environment.
  // You should add a retreat so that your information ease executes correctly.

What does the newborn cipher do? We crapper wager that this cipher references the newborn app.worker Component that the bidding also added. At this point, the code:

  1. Ensures that the covering supports Web Workers.
  2. Creates a newborn worker.
  3. Posts a communication to the miss (found in app.worker.ts).
  4. When the miss receives the “hello” message, EventListener module blast (shown in the mass cipher snippet).
  5. When the EventListener fires (in app.worker.ts), it module create a salutation goal and place it backwards to the caller.

Here’s the whole table of app.worker.ts:

/// <reference lib="webworker" />

addEventListener('message', ({ accumulation }) => {
 const salutation = `worker salutation to ${data}`;

We module wager messages in the housing as a termination of these steps, which module countenance aforementioned the terminal distinction in the mass housing output:

Console outputConsole output

That is the console.log that occurs in the EventHandler that was created on the warning Worker object:

worker.onmessage = ({ accumulation }) => {
   console.log(`page got message: ${data}`);

That tells us that the app.component posted a communication to the app.worker and the app.worker replied with a communication of its own.

We poverty to ingest the Worker to removed our Long Running impact on added arrange so our lot art cipher isn’t interrupted.

First, let’s advise the cipher participating with our UI elements to a creator of our app.component class.

constructor() {
    if (typeof Worker !== 'undefined') {
      // Create a new
      const miss = newborn Worker(new URL('./app.worker', import.meta.url));
      worker.onmessage = ({ accumulation }) => {
        console.log(`page got message: ${data}`);
        this.longProcessOutput += `page got message: ${data}` + '\n';
    } additional {
      // Web Workers are not based in this environment.
      // You should add a retreat so that your information ease executes correctly.

This allows us to meaning the longProcessOutput uncertain now. With that, we crapper admittance that variable; we hit worker.onmessage, which adds the base accumulation to the textarea instead of composition to the housing meet as an initial test.

You crapper wager the highlighted book on the mitt is the conventional message.

Received messageReceived message

LongLoop in the Web Worker

We ease requirement to advise our long-running wrap to the Web Worker to secure that, when the wrap runs, it module be streaming on its possess thread.

Here’s the magnitude of the cipher that we module hit in our effort app.component.ts:

constructor() {
    if (typeof Worker !== 'undefined') {
      // Create a new
      const miss = newborn Worker(new URL('./app.worker', import.meta.url));
      worker.onmessage = ({ accumulation }) => {
        console.log(`page got message: ${data}`);
        this.longProcessOutput += `page got message: ${data}` + '\n';
    } additional {
      // Web Workers are not based in this environment.
      // You should add a retreat so that your information ease executes correctly.

  longLoop() {
    this.longProcessOutput = '';
    for (var x = 1; x <= 1000000000; x++) {
      var y = x / 3.2;
      if (x % 20000000 == 0) {
        this.longProcessOutput += x + '\n';

We touched the miss uncertain into the class, which is today a member variable. That way, we crapper easily meaning it anywhere in our AppComponent class.

Next, let’s countenance more intimately at how we hit circumscribed a communication circumstance trainer on the miss goal with the cipher in the constructor:

this.worker.onmessage = ({ accumulation }) => {
       this.longProcessOutput += `${data}` + "\n";

That cipher module removed when the Web Worker collection (found in app.worker.ts) calls postMessage(data). Each instance the postMessage method is called, the longProcessOutput (the help extremity to the textarea) module be updated with the accumulation nonnegative a posture convey (“\n”), which is only so apiece continuance module be cursive on its possess distinction in the textarea element.

Here’s every the cipher institute in the actualised Web Worker (app.worker.ts):

addEventListener('message', ({ accumulation }) => {
 console.log(`in miss EventListener : ${data}`);
 for (var x = 1; x <=1000000000;x++){
   var y = x/3.2;
   if ((x % 20000000) == 0){
     // posts the continuance backwards to our worker.onmessage handler
      // don't requirement housing whatever more --> console.log(x);

This circumstance trainer is fired when the individual clicks the [Run Long Process] button. All the cipher institute in the Web Worker (app.worker.ts) runs on a newborn thread. That’s the continuance of the Web Worker; its cipher runs on a removed thread. That’s ground it no individual affects the essential arrange of the scheme app.

The Web Worker cipher is fired when the individual clicks the mend because we today hit the mass cipher in our longLoop method.

   this.longProcessOutput = "";
   // the mass distinction starts the daylong impact on the Web Worker
   // by sending a communication to the Web Worker
   this.worker.postMessage("start looping...");

When the communication is posted to the worker, the EventListener fires and runs the cipher from our warning longLoop that we’ve settled there.

Wrapping Up Angular Apps with Web Workers

When you removed the app, you module encounter that clicking the [Start Long Process] mend no individual causes the lot art to pause. You module also be healthy to direct interact with the circle-drawing Canvas factor so that if you utter it patch longLoop is ease running, the Canvas module be redrawn immediately. Previously, the app behaved as if it were icy if you did this.

Now, you crapper add your long-running processes to an Angular Web Worker and gain every the benefits of an app that doesn’t freeze.

If you poverty to wager an warning resolved with JavaScript Web Workers, you crapper wager it on Plunker.

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