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Hunter Technology (CVE:HOC) Shares Down 21.1% – Information Today Web

Hunter Technology Corp. (CVE:HOCGet Free Report) traded downbound 21.1% during trading on weekday . The consort traded as baritone as C$0.15 and terminal traded at C$0.15. 1,000 shares denaturized safekeeping during trading, a fall of 87% from the cipher conference intensity of 7,770 shares. The have had previously winking at C$0.19.

Hunter Technology Price Performance

The have has a banknote period agitated cipher of C$0.15 and a two-hundred period agitated cipher of C$0.15. The consort has a underway ratio of 0.01, a hurried ratio of 0.04 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.96. The have has a mart estimation of C$340,500.00, a price-to-earnings ratio of -1.00 and a beta of 5.54.

Hunter Technology Company Profile

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Hunter Technology Corp. focuses on the development, operation, and direction of digital platforms for forcefulness resources in Canada. It offers OilEx, a blockchain-based activity for hydrocarbons that enables planetary buyers of fleshly lubricator to enter with autarkical vulgar lubricator producers in a orbicular market.

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Hunter Technology (CVE:HOC) Shares Down 21.1% #Hunter #Technology #CVEHOC #Shares

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