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Import attributes when creating an ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App send – Information Important Web

The June 2024 promulgation of ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App includes digit enhancements attendant to send attributes: 

  • When creating a newborn project, goods place attributes from added project.  
  • You crapper today easily analyse attributes for projects. 

First, a short capitulation of projects and attributes: Business Analyst Web App uses a project-based scheme to care your content, much as sites and layers. A place is an Atlantic on which psychotherapy is performed. Attributes include aggregation most saucer location-based sites in the send – for example, for sites representing restaurants, the peak permissible abidance could be an attribute. When you create a newborn project, you crapper make the place attributes for saucer location-based place layers.  

Ok, today permit us go over the capabilities that are newborn to this release.  

When creating a newborn project, goods attributes from added project.  

Do you sometimes requirement to create a send with sites attributes either aforementioned or kindred to the attributes for added existing project? Now you crapper goods the attributes from that send instead of specifying them from irritate and spend whatever instance and effort.   

To create a newborn project, utter Create project in the All projects window. (Alternatively, on the Home tab, utter + New project).  

The Create project pane opens. To make the attributes for the newborn project, you module utter Customize send attributes to add that section. 

The newborn send already includes the choice ordered of place attributes. Note: If the chief of your methodicalness has modified these choice attributes, this itemize haw countenance assorted for you.  You crapper withdraw and add the attributes you wager here and add newborn ones. 

To ingest the bespoken attributes that were given for added project, utter Import attributes. 

The itemize of projects you hit admittance to is displayed, which includes your projects and projects mutual with you by added users. To analyse the attributes for a project, utter the mark fix to its mitt to add it. For example, in the concealment getting below, the attributes for the ATM Locations send are existence viewed. This is a send to road and dissect likely machine locations, with bespoken attributes for attendant information. To founder the swollen view, utter the mark fix to its mitt again.  

To goods the attributes from digit of these projects, utter the Import attributes fix incoming to it. 

Import attributes

The attributes from that project are imported to the newborn send you’re creating: 

Create send pane with imported attributes

This crapper support spend instance when you requirement to create added send with the aforementioned attributes. For example, feature that you needed to create a newborn send for chase machine locations for the slope in a assorted location of the country. Rather than specifying the bespoken attributes again from scratch, you crapper ingest this improvement to apace goods them from the added project. Even if every of the bespoken attributes won’t be needed, but most of them will, you crapper ease spend instance by commercialism them and meet making the changes you need. 

Importing attributes crapper also be multipurpose when collaborating with added users in your methodicalness – if they hit mutual a send with you, you crapper goods attributes from it to create a kindred newborn send when necessary. 

Review the place attributes for your projects.   

To analyse the attributes for a project, unstoppered the All projects window, then utter the Options fix on the send card, then utter Show attributes. 

All projects window

The Show attributes pane opens, displaying the place attributes for that project.

Show attributes window

This haw be especially adjuvant for projects that added users in your methodicalness hit created and mutual with you, which you crapper encounter under the Projects mutual with me tab. 

The Business Analyst aggroup hopes that you encounter these newborn features useful. Do interpret beneath to deal your thoughts. You crapper also ingest some of the Feedback options on the Home journalism of the ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App.

About the communicator

I am a Product Engineer and Writer at Esri, convergent primarily on the Business Analyst applications for web, ambulatory and desktop.

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Import attributes when creating an ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App send #Import #attributes #creating #ArcGIS #Business #Analyst #Web #App #project

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