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Man Group PLC : Form 8.3 – Information Today Web

FORM 8.3

Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)


(a)   Full study of discloser: Man Group PLC
(b)   Owner or someone of interests and brief positions disclosed, if assorted from 1(a):
        The denotive of nominee or container companies is insufficient. For a trust, the trustee(s), settlor and beneficiaries staleness be named.
(c)   Name of offeror/offeree in traffic to whose germane securities this modify relates:
        Use a removed modify for apiece offeror/offeree
International Paper Company
(d)   If an privileged money trainer adjoining with an offeror/offeree, land this and take indistinguishability of offeror/offeree:  
(e)   Date function held/dealing undertaken:
        For an inaugural function disclosure, land the stylish practical fellow preceding to the disclosure
(f)   In constituent to the consort in 1(c) above, is the discloser making disclosures in attitude of some another band to the offer?
        If it is a change substance or doable change offer, land “N/A”
YES / NO / N/A
Offeree – adventurer (DS) plc


If there are positions or rights to hold to divulge in more than digit collection of germane securities of the helper or offeree titled in 1(c), double plateau 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for apiece added collection of germane security.

(a)      Interests and brief positions in the germane securities of the helper or offeree to which the revealing relates mass the handling (if any)

Class of germane security: common stock
  Interests Short positions
Number % Number %
(1)   Relevant securities owned and/or controlled:     315,704 0.09
(2)   Cash-settled derivatives:     1,646,725 0.47
(3)   Stock-settled derivatives (including options) and agreements to purchase/sell:        


    1,962,429 0.56

All interests and every brief positions should be disclosed.

Details of some unstoppered stock-settled figuring positions (including traded options), or agreements to acquire or delude germane securities, should be presented on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions).

(b)      Rights to hold for newborn securities (including directors’ and another employee options)

Class of germane section in traffic to which subscription correct exists:  
Details, including nature of the rights afraid and germane percentages:  


Where there hit been reciprocation in more than digit collection of germane securities of the helper or offeree titled in 1(c), double plateau 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for apiece added collection of germane section dealt in.

The nowness of every prices and another monetary amounts should be stated.

(a)        Purchases and sales

Class of germane security Purchase/sale Number of securities Price per unit
common stock Sale 19,752 42.691 USD
common stock Purchase 1 42.540 USD

(b)        Cash-settled figuring transactions

Class of germane security Product description
e.g. CFD
Nature of dealing
e.g. opening/closing a long/short position, increasing/reducing a long/short position
Number of meaning securities Price per unit
common stock Equity Swap Increasing a brief position 461 42.814 USD
common stock Equity Swap Increasing a brief position 463 42.814 USD
common stock Equity Swap Increasing a brief position 6,221 42.814 USD
common stock Equity Swap Increasing a brief position 298 42.814 USD
common stock Equity Swap Increasing a brief position 66 42.814 USD
common stock Equity Swap Increasing a brief position 38 42.814 USD
common stock Equity Swap Increasing a brief position 1,274 42.814 USD

(c)        Stock-settled figuring transactions (including options)

(i)        Writing, selling, purchase or varying

Class of germane security Product statement e.g. call option Writing, purchasing, selling, varied etc. Number of securities to which choice relates Exercise toll per unit Type
e.g. American, dweller etc.
Expiry date Option money paid/ conventional per unit

(ii)        Exercise

Class of germane security Product description
e.g. call option
Exercising/ exercised against Number of securities Exercise toll per unit

(d)        Other reciprocation (including subscribing for newborn securities)

Class of germane security Nature of dealing
e.g. subscription, conversion
Details Price per organisation (if applicable)


(a)        Indemnity and another handling arrangements

Details of some shelter or choice arrangement, or some commendation or understanding, conventional or informal, relating to germane securities which haw be an causation to care or chorus from handling entered into by the mortal making the revealing and some band to the substance or some mortal performing in concert with a band to the offer:
Irrevocable commitments and letters of aim should not be included. If there are no much agreements, arrangements or understandings, land “none”


(b)        Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

Details of some agreement, composing or understanding, conventional or informal, between the mortal making the revealing and some another mortal relating to:
(i)   the voting rights of some germane securities low some option; or
(ii)   the voting rights or forthcoming acquisition or effort of some germane securities to which some figuring is referenced:
If there are no much agreements, arrangements or understandings, land “none”


(c)        Attachments

Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached? NO
Date of disclosure: 10/07/2024
Contact name: Mackenzie Terry
Telephone number: +442071441555

Public disclosures low Rule 8 of the Code staleness be prefabricated to a Regulatory Information Service.
The Panel’s Market Surveillance Unit is acquirable for conference in traffic to the Code’s revealing requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.

The Code crapper be viewed on the Panel’s website at

Source unification

Man Group PLC : Form 8.3 #Man #Group #PLC #Form

Source unification Google News

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