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Milli Majlis approves set and tariff obligation waiver for accumulation creation imports – Information Today Internet

The goods of accumulation products is privileged from set and customs
duty, Azernews reports.

In this context, amendments to the Tax Code and the “On Customs
Tariff” accumulation were discussed in the ordinal datum during today’s
session of the Milli Majlis.

According to the amendment to the “On Customs Tariff” law,
individuals geared in the design, production, sale, repair, and
maintenance of accumulation products (including conflict military
equipment, expeditionary weapons, ammunition, explosives, and devices,
and their components) module be privileged from tariff duties when
importing technologies, equipment, components, materials, and raw
materials. This waiver is acknowledged supported on confirmation
documents issued by the germane chief authority.

Additionally, low the planned amendment to the Tax Code,
individuals geared in the design, production, sale, repair, and
maintenance of accumulation products module be privileged from taxes on the
importation of technologies, equipment, components, materials, and
raw materials. The sale, repair, and fix of defense
products produced by these individuals module also be privileged from
taxes, provided that commendation documents from the relevant
executive dominance are presented.

Following discussions, the amendment proposals were voted on and
adopted in the ordinal reading.

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Milli Majlis approves set and tariff obligation waiver for accumulation creation imports #Milli #Majlis #approves #tax #customs #duty #exemption #defense #product #imports

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