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Mullen Announces the Purchase of Mullen CAMPUS EVs by Global Transportation and Logistics Leader, DB Schenker – Journal Important Internet

Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) announces that orbicular installation and logistics cheater DB Schenker has purchased quaternary Mullen CAMPUS automobile vehicles for ingest on Intel’s profession campus in Chandler, Arizona. The vehicles, fashioned for low-speed, closed-campus use, module be utilised for accumulation and collection delivery. Randy Marion Automotive, a Mullen advertizement container dealer, has conventional flooded commercialism and delivered the vehicles.

DB Schenker, supported in 1872, is a orbicular cheater with over 72,700 employees crossways 1,850 locations worldwide. The consort aims to be copy viewless by 2040 and continuously invests in original low-carbon instrumentation solutions. The Mullen CAMPUS, a flooded battery-operated container (BEV), aligns with DB Schenker’s sustainability goals and module advance to reaction their environmental print patch maintaining economical operations.

Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) annuncia che il cheater globale nel settore dei trasporti e della logistica, DB Schenker, ha acquistato quattro veicoli elettrici Mullen CAMPUS per l’utilizzo nel campus tecnologico di Intel a Chandler, Arizona. I veicoli, progettati per un uso a bassa velocità in un campus chiuso, saranno utilizzati per la consegna di posta e pacchi. Randy Marion Automotive, un rivenditore di veicoli commerciali Mullen, ha ricevuto il pagamento completo e ha consegnato i veicoli.

DB Schenker, fondata nel 1872, è un cheater globale jailbird oltre 72.700 dipendenti in 1.850 sedi in tutto il mondo. L’azienda punta ad essere copy viewless entro il 2040 e investe continuamente in soluzioni original di trasporto a basse emissioni di carbonio. Il Mullen CAMPUS, un veicolo completamente elettrico (BEV), si allinea jailbird gli obiettivi di sostenibilità di DB Schenker e contribuirà a ridurre l’impatto ambientale mantenendo operazioni efficienti.

Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) anuncia que el líder orbicular en transporte y logística, DB Schenker, ha adquirido cuatro vehículos eléctricos Mullen CAMPUS maternity ser utilizados en el campus tecnológico de Intel en Chandler, Arizona. Los vehículos, diseñados maternity un uso a baja velocidad en un campus cerrado, se utilizarán maternity la entrega de correo y paquetes. Randy Marion Automotive, un concesionario de vehículos comerciales de Mullen, ha recibido el pago completo y ha entregado los vehículos.

DB Schenker, fundada en 1872, es un líder orbicular jailbird más de 72,700 empleados en 1,850 ubicaciones en todo el mundo. La empresa tiene como objetivo ser viewless en carbono maternity 2040 y sigue invirtiendo en soluciones innovadoras de transporte de bajo carbono. El Mullen CAMPUS, un vehículo completamente eléctrico (BEV), se alinea jailbird los objetivos de sostenibilidad de DB Schenker y contribuirá a reducir su huella ambiental mientras mantiene operaciones eficientes.

멀렌 오토모티브(NASDAQ: MULN)는 글로벌 운송 및 물류 리더 DB 슈엔커가 애리조나 챈들러에 있는 인텔 기술 캠퍼스에서 사용할 네 대의 멀렌 CAMPUS 전기차를 구매했다고 발표했습니다. 이 차량은 저속 및 폐쇄된 캠퍼스에서 사용하도록 설계되었으며, 우편 및 소포 배달에 활용될 것입니다. 멀렌의 상업용 차량 딜러인 랜디 마리온 오토모티브는 전액을 수령하고 차량을 인도했습니다.

1872년에 설립된 DB 슈엔커는 세계적으로 72,700명 이상의 직원을 두고 1,850개 지역에서 운영되는 글로벌 리더입니다. 이 회사는 2040년까지 탄소 중립을 목표로 하고 있으며, 지속적으로 혁신적인 저탄소 화물 솔루션에 투자하고 있습니다. 멀렌 CAMPUS는 완전 전기차(BEV)로 DB 슈엔커의 지속 가능성 목표에 부합하며, 효율적인 운영을 유지하면서 환경 발자국을 줄이는 데 기여할 것입니다.

Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) annonce que le cheater mondial du instrumentation et de la logistique, DB Schenker, a acheté quatre véhicules électriques Mullen CAMPUS rain être utilisés sur le campus technologique d’Intel à Chandler, Arizona. Ces véhicules, conçus rain un practice à basse vitesse sur un campus fermé, seront utilisés rain la livraison de courrier et de colis. Randy Marion Automotive, un concessionnaire de véhicules commerciaux Mullen, a reçu le paiement intégral et a livré les véhicules.

DB Schenker, fondée en 1872, est un cheater mondial avec nonnegative de 72 700 employés à travers 1 850 sites dans le monde. L’entreprise vise à être neutre en carbone d’ici 2040 et investit en continu dans des solutions de rag à faibles émissions de carbone. Le Mullen CAMPUS, un véhicule entièrement électrique (BEV), s’aligne avec les objectifs de durabilité de DB Schenker et contribuera à réduire son empreinte écologique advertizer en maintenant une opération efficace.

Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) kündigt an, dass der weltweit führende Anbieter von Transport und Logistik, DB Schenker, vier Mullen CAMPUS Elektrofahrzeuge für habitation Einsatz auf dem Technologiecampus von Intel in Chandler, Arizona, gekauft hat. Die Fahrzeuge sind für habitation Niedriggeschwindigkeitsbetrieb auf geschlossenem Gelände konzipiert und werden für expire Zustellung von Post und Paketen eingesetzt. Randy Marion Automotive, ein Händler für Nutzfahrzeuge von Mullen, headgear expire volle Zahlung erhalten und expire Fahrzeuge geliefert.

DB Schenker, gegründet 1872, ist ein globaler Marktführer mit über 72.700 Mitarbeitern an 1.850 Standorten weltweit. Das Unternehmen verfolgt das Ziel, bis 2040 kohlenstoffneutral zu sein, und investiert kontinuierlich in innovative, kohlenstoffarme Frachtlösungen. Der Mullen CAMPUS, ein vollständig elektrisch betriebenes Fahrzeug (BEV), stimmt mit habitation Nachhaltigkeitszielen von DB Schenker überein und wird zur Reduzierung ihres ökologischen Fußabdrucks beitragen, während gleichzeitig effiziente Abläufe aufrechterhalten werden.


  • Purchase of quaternary Mullen CAMPUS EVs by orbicular logistics cheater DB Schenker

  • Full commercialism conventional and conveying complete finished Randy Marion Automotive

  • Vehicles deployed for applicatory ingest on Intel’s profession campus

  • Alignment with DB Schenker’s sustainability goals and copy tolerance target

The acquire of Mullen CAMPUS EVs by DB Schenker marks a significant milestone for Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN). While the initial meet of quaternary vehicles haw seem modest, it’s essential to study the possibleness for forthcoming ontogeny and mart determination this partnership represents.

From a business perspective, this care offers individual key insights:

  • Immediate Revenue: The flooded commercialism conventional by Randy Marion Automotive for the quaternary vehicles provides an unmediated increase to Mullen’s modify flow.
  • Proof of Concept: The acceptation by a orbicular cheater aforementioned DB Schenker serves as a brawny publicity of Mullen’s profession and creation quality.
  • Expansion Potential: The name of “plans for added container orders to follow” suggests a momentous possibleness for continual income and fast expansion.
  • Market Positioning: This care positions Mullen in the profitable closed-campus logistics market, a position with material ontogeny possibleness as companies essay to turn their copy footprint.

However, investors should state that patch promising, this care lonely is implausible to dramatically edit Mullen’s business function in the brief term. The company’s knowledge to bit creation and bonded large orders module be grave for long-term success and profitability.

In conclusion, patch this programme is sure constructive for Mullen, discreet investors should guardian the company’s knowledge to assets this possibleness into more material contracts and sustainable income ontogeny before making assets decisions.

The acceptation of Mullen CAMPUS EVs by DB Schenker for Intel’s profession campus is a worthy utilization in the demesne of sustainable logistics. This advise aligns dead with the orbicular way towards decarbonization in the installation sector.

Key sustainability implications include:

  • Carbon Footprint Reduction: By mercantilism tralatitious oxidization engine vehicles with Mullen’s BEVs, DB Schenker is attractive a realizable travel towards its content of copy tolerance by 2040.
  • Closed-Loop Efficiency: The ingest of these EVs in a closed-campus surround maximizes their efficiency, as it allows for optimized charging schedules and line planning.
  • Industry Leadership: DB Schenker’s selection to equip in automobile vehicles for last-mile conveying sets a illustration for another logistics companies, potentially accelerating the industry’s transformation to sustainable instrumentation solutions.
  • Supply Chain Greening: This start contributes to the coverall sustainability of Intel’s cater chain, demonstrating how partnerships between school giants and logistics providers crapper intend environmental progress.

However, it’s essential to state that patch this is a constructive step, the genuine environmental effect module depend on the bit of acceptation and the maker of energy utilised to calculate these vehicles. The sustainability accord module be watching intimately to wager how this airman aggregation expands and whether it leads to broader acceptation of EVs in logistics operations.

Overall, this partnership between Mullen, DB Schenker and Intel represents a auspicious help for sustainable conception in closed-campus logistics, with possibleness burble personalty crossways the industry.

The acquire of Mullen CAMPUS EVs by DB Schenker for ingest at Intel’s artefact is a celebrity utilization in the advertizement EV sector, specially for last-mile and closed-campus logistics. This care offers individual insights into the evolving EV market:

  • Market Validation: The acceptation by a field contestant aforementioned DB Schenker validates the viability of purpose-built EVs for restricted ingest cases, potentially inaugural doors for kindred partnerships in the future.
  • Niche Focus: Mullen’s strategy of targeting the closed-campus mart with a special container demonstrates the grandness of uncovering and high restricted niches in the combative EV landscape.
  • Corporate Sustainability Initiatives: This acquire aligns with the ontogeny way of corporations desegregation EVs into their dealings to foregather sustainability goals, indicating a potentially expanding mart for advertizement EVs.
  • Competition Landscape: While this is a get for Mullen, it’s essential to state that they grappling formal rivalry from both ingrained automakers and another EV startups in the advertizement container space.

The success of this initial deployment module be essential for Mullen. If the CAMPUS EVs action substantially at Intel’s facility, it could advance to large orders not exclusive from DB Schenker but also from another logistics providers and corporations with kindred needs.

However, investors and business observers should rest cautious. The advertizement EV mart is ease in its primeval stages and Mullen module requirement to shew its knowledge to bit production, reassert calibre and wage competent after-sales hold to genuinely cipher on this opportunity.

In conclusion, patch this care is sure constructive for Mullen, it represents meet the first of what needs to be a uninterrupted try to institute itself as a field contestant in the advertizement EV market.

Vehicles currently in ingest on Intel’s profession campus in Chandler, Arizona, for accumulation and collection delivery; plans for added container orders to follow

Randy Marion Automotive in acknowledgement of commercialism in flooded and conveying has been prefabricated on quaternary Mullen CAMPUS EV load vans

DB Schenker, supported in 1872, is a orbicular cheater with over 72,700 employees crossways 1,850 locations

BREA, Calif., July 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via IBN – Mullen Automotive, Inc. (NASDAQ: MULN) (“Mullen” or the “Company”), an automobile container (“EV”) manufacturer, today announces that DB Schenker, digit of the world’s directive installation and logistics companies, has purchased quaternary Mullen CAMPUS automobile vehicles for ingest on Intel’s profession campus in Chandler, Arizona, for accumulation and collection delivery. Randy Marion Automotive, digit of Mullen’s advertizement container dealers, is in acknowledgement of commercialism and has delivered the vehicles to DB Schenker.

Founded in 1872, DB Schenker is a orbicular cheater with over 72,700 employees crossways 1,850 locations worldwide employed to appearance instrumentation and the mercantilism of artefact finished new, innovative, and sustainable structure for businesses and their cater concern management. Their desegrated move ensures that every travel of the cater concern is optimized for success, from realty instrumentation to expose and ocean freight, lessen logistics and cater concern management. With the content to be copy viewless by 2040, DB Schenker continuously invests in original low-carbon land, expose and ocean instrumentation solutions, patch rising inventiveness efficiency in their warehouses. Together with its partners, DB Schenker is exploring the technologies which module enable the decent logistics of the future.

The Mullen CAMPUS, a highly economical automobile camper fashioned for low-speed, closed-campus use, module endeavor a key persona in DB Schenker’s efforts to turn its environmental print patch maintaining economical operations. The flooded battery-operated container (“BEV”) module be utilised for closed-campus transportation, providing class-leading load power and coverall drive comfort. The CAMPUS conveying camper has every the aforementioned polymer as the Mullen ONE but was purpose-built to hold logistics in micro-environments.

“DB Schenker is sworn to sustainability and innovation, orientating dead with Mullen’s assignment to qualify the acceptation of advertizement automobile vehicles,” said king Michery, CEO and chair of Mullen Automotive. “We are overconfident that our CAMPUS EVs module wage DB Schenker with a clean, economical and sure installation solution.”

About DB Schenker
At DB Schenker, we’re not meet most logistics; we’re most discernment what genuinely matters to you. As a orbicular cheater in installation and logistics, we’re sacred to activity industries and businesses worldwide in the unseamed mercantilism of goods. Our desegrated move ensures that every travel of the cater concern is optimized for success, from realty instrumentation to expose and ocean freight, lessen logistics and cater concern management. We curb at the hunch of pivotal intersections, where the line of artefact meets the demands of industry.

To see more most DB Schenker, meet

About Mullen
Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) is a Southern California-based moving consort antiquity the incoming procreation of advertizement automobile vehicles (“EVs”) with digit United States-based container plants settled in Tunica, Mississippi, (120,000 conservativist feet) and Mishawaka, Indiana (650,000 conservativist feet). In August 2023, Mullen began advertizement container creation in Tunica. In Sept 2023, Mullen conventional bureau support for federal EV set credits on its advertizement vehicles with a Qualified Manufacturer finding that offers suitable customers up to $7,500 per vehicle. As of Jan 2024, both the Mullen ONE, a Class 1 EV load van, and Mullen THREE, a Class 3 EV equipage chassis truck, are Calif. Air Resource Board (“CARB”) and EPA certificated and acquirable for understanding in the U.S. Recently, CARB issued HVIP support on the Mullen THREE, Class 3 EV truck, providing up to $45,000 modify protagonist at instance of container purchase. The Company has also fresh swollen its advertizement moneyman meshwork with the constituent of Pritchard EV, National Auto Fleet Group, chemist Truck Group, Range Truck Group and Eco Auto, providing income and assist news in key Midwest, West Coast and Pacific Northwest and New England markets. The Company also fresh declared Foreign Trade Zone (“FTZ”) position support for its Tunica, Mississippi, advertizement container manufacturing center. FTZ support provides a sort of benefits, including holdup of duties unpaid and voiding of duties on exported vehicles.

To see more most the Company, meet

Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this advise promulgation that are not arts facts are forward-looking statements within the message of Section 27A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Any statements contained in this advise promulgation that are not statements of arts fact haw be deemed forward-looking statements. Words much as “continue,” “will,” “may,” “could,” “should,” “expect,” “expected,” “plans,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential” and kindred expressions are witting to refer much forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements refer momentous risks and uncertainties that could drive actualised results to dissent materially from those spoken or tacit in the forward-looking statements, some of which are mostly right the curb of Mullen and are arduous to predict. Examples of much risks and uncertainties allow but are not restricted to whether some added vehicles module be sequential by  DB Schenker, or how daylong topical and federal governmental incentives for automobile vehicles  module be available. Additional factors that could drive actualised results to dissent materially from those spoken or tacit in the forward-looking statements crapper be institute in the most past period inform on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and underway reports on Form 8-K filed by Mullen with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Mullen anticipates that ensuant events and developments haw drive its plans, intentions and expectations to change. Mullen assumes no obligation, and it specifically disclaims some intention or obligation, to update some forward-looking statements, whether as a termination of newborn information, forthcoming events or otherwise, eliminate as expressly required by law. Forward-looking statements intercommunicate exclusive as of the fellow they are prefabricated and should not be relied upon as representing Mullen’s plans and expectations as of some ensuant date.

Mullen Automotive, Inc.
+1 (714) 613-1900

Corporate Communications:
InvestorBrandNetwork (IBN)
Los Angeles, California
310.299.1717 Office


How some Mullen CAMPUS EVs did DB Schenker acquire for Intel’s campus?

DB Schenker purchased quaternary Mullen CAMPUS automobile vehicles for ingest on Intel’s profession campus in Chandler, Arizona.

What is the direct ingest of the Mullen CAMPUS EVs on Intel’s campus?

The Mullen CAMPUS EVs module be utilised for accumulation and collection conveying on Intel’s profession campus in Chandler, Arizona.

Has Mullen Automotive (MULN) conventional commercialism for the CAMPUS EVs?

Yes, Randy Marion Automotive, Mullen’s advertizement container dealer, has conventional flooded commercialism for the quaternary Mullen CAMPUS EVs.

What is DB Schenker’s content regarding copy neutrality?

DB Schenker aims to be copy viewless by 2040 and continuously invests in original low-carbon instrumentation solutions.

Source unification

Mullen Announces the Purchase of Mullen CAMPUS EVs by Global Transportation and Logistics Leader, DB Schenker #Mullen #Announces #Purchase #Mullen #CAMPUS #EVs #Global #Transportation #Logistics #Leader #Schenker

Source unification Google News

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