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Municipality Finance issues a EUR 50 meg touch low its MTN information – Information Global Web

Municipality Finance Plc

Municipality Finance Plc

Municipality Finance Plc
Stock mercantilism promulgation
30 July 2024 at 10:00 am (EEST)

Municipality Finance issues a EUR 50 meg touch low its MTN aggregation

On 31 July 2024 Municipality Finance Plc issues a newborn tranche in an turn of EUR 50 meg to an existing criterion issued on 26 Apr 2023. With the newborn tranche, the aggregative minimal turn of the criterion is EUR 1.475 billion. The matureness fellow of the criterion is 29 July 2030. The criterion bears welfare at a immobile evaluate of 3.125 % per annum.

The newborn tranche is issued low MuniFin’s EUR 50 1000000000 aggregation for the issuance of debt instruments. The substance circular, the added substance broadside and test cost of the notes are acquirable in arts on the company’s website at

MuniFin has practical for the newborn tranche to be admitted to trading on the port Stock Exchange serviceable by Nasdaq Helsinki. The open trading is due to commence on 31 July 2024. The existing notes in the program are admitted to trading on the port Stock Exchange.

Citigroup Global Markets Limited acts as the Dealer for the supply of the newborn tranche.


Further information:

Joakim Holmström
Executive Vice President, Capital Markets and Sustainability
tel. +358 50 444 3638

MuniFin (Municipality Finance Plc) is digit of Finland’s maximal assign institutions. The owners of the consort allow Suomi municipalities, the open facet grant money Keva and the Republic of Finland. The Group’s equilibrise artefact totals near to EUR 50 billion.

MuniFin builds a meliorate and more sustainable forthcoming with its customers. Our customers allow municipalities, render municipal authorities, eudaemonia services counties, render county authorities, joint entities low the curb of the above-mentioned organisations, and inexpensive ethnic housing. Lending is utilised for environmentally and socially answerable assets targets much as open transportation, sustainable buildings, hospitals and aid centres, schools and period tending centres, and homes for grouping with primary needs.

MuniFin’s customers are husbandly but the consort operates in a completely orbicular playing environment. The consort is an astir Suomi stick issuer in planetary top markets and the prototypal Suomi naif and ethnic stick issuer. The resource is only secure by the Municipal Guarantee Board.

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Municipality Finance issues a EUR 50 meg touch low its MTN aggregation #Municipality #Finance #issues #EUR #million #tap #MTN #programme

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