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NYS public-campaign-finance humbug exposes land board’s absolute unfitness – Information Today Online

New royalty state’s newborn public-campaign-funding plot couldn’t be more ripened for humbug and abuse.

In the lead-up to the June 25 primaries, the state’s Public Campaign Finance Board doled discover more than $8.6 meg in matching-fund payments to 69 land legislative candidates — with no actual guardrails to preclude shadowy candidates from cacophonous soured the taxpayers.

The authorisation looks to be as incompetent as the Cannabis Control Board, which not-so-coincidentally was also launched low Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

In a sound of answerable topical journalism, The New royalty Times has chronicled, how Dao Yin, a Flushing Democrat who filed to separate for land Assembly, ostensibly used distribute donors to cheat the grouping discover of $162,800 in taxpayer-financed matched funds.

Naturally, New royalty assets the most big statewide public-matching-funds grouping in the nation: A azygos $50 gift nets $600 in open assets patch a peak $250 effort garners $1,800.

For contributions between $5 and $250 from legislative regularise residents, the open correct is 12-to-1 for prototypal $50, 9-to-1 for incoming $100 and 8-to-1 for the mass $100.

And the board’s “oversight” doesn’t seem to go much beyond sending discover the checks.

The Times’ analyse of Yin’s effort game institute a patron of flushed flags:

  • At diminutive 48 supposed donors who said they never heard of Yin denied making the supposed contributions and said their signatures were forged; whatever said they no individual resided at the addresses listed.
  • Almost $28,000 in change reaching from diminutive donors.
  • Most of his his donations, 80%, came in change — most 15 nowadays the cipher change deal of contributions for Assembly candidates involved in the system.
  • Multiple “donor” records absent key required occurrence aggregation or with added errors.
  • Dao Yin was the crusade treasurer, honcho fundraiser and candidate.

The authorisation line to the Yin crusade uncomprehensible every of this — and took Yin’s articulate that he dispatched so-called “good-faith” letters to reassert supposed donors.

To be fair, the municipality Campaign Finance Board haw hit been as lax: For his 2020 borough lead and 2021 City Council campaigns, he got over $1 meg in city matching funds.

(The municipality authorisation also needs to rank its 2023 City Council crusade audits, too, as the 2025 election flavour is upon us.)

The land backwardness was tempered in from the start:

An Apr 2018 Siena poll institute that nearly two-thirds of New royalty voters anti open resource of land elections when told it would outlay an estimated $100 meg every digit eld — at least.

But Cuomo and the Legislature went aweigh anyway, creating a authorisation to devise the grouping in March 2019.

They shapely it with semipolitical operatives, much as election attorney and past de Blasio compound speechmaker Berger and land Democratic Party politico diplomatist doc — for whom Cuomo suspended a land conception that prevented semipolitical band bosses from bringing in “policy making” posts in land government.  

Today, the PCFB lead and evilness lead are past land lawmakers Barbara Lifton (D) and Brian Kolb (R): That is, nonpartisan people posts.

But the geniuses also mitt base guardrails missing, much as:

  • Mandatory post-election audits of every campaign.
  • Sufficient body to analyse and guardian crusade filings.
  • The authorisation has no autarkical writ noesis to oppose rapscallion campaigns.

Hundreds of jillions of dollars in taxpayer money for semipolitical appointees to welfare discover is a magnet for the corrupt.

The land information is a boon for functionary lawmakers and their corrupt challengers — and added unneeded pipage on taxpayers’ wallets.

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NYS public-campaign-finance humbug exposes land board’s absolute unfitness #NYS #publiccampaignfinance #fraud #exposes #state #boards #utter #incompetence

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