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Olimex NEO6502 is a W65C02 and Raspberry Pi RP2040-powered retrospective machine with HDMI, USB, and more – Information Important Web

Olimex has fresh launched NEO6502 an open-source element retrospective machine fashioned for educational and recreation purposes, but that doesn’t stingy it can’t be utilised for retrospective gaming. The commission is rattling unequalled as it’s shapely around a 65C02 MPU and Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 MCU in a dual-processor configuration. The MOS6502 handles the Apple II, Oric, and Commodore 64 emulators whereas the RP2040 handles everything added including HDMI (DVI) recording production using the PicoDVI project.

Previously we hit cursive most kindred retrospective machine kits much as the CERBERUS 2100, TinyLlama x86, DevTerm with ClockworkPi v3.14, Olimex AgonLight2, and some others see liberated to analyse those discover if you are fascinated in retrospective school with a recent twist.

Olimex Neo6502 Dev Board

Olimex NEO6502 commission specifications

  • Processors
    • Western Design Center W65C02S 8-bit microprocessor @ 6.25 rate with 64kB RAM, 32kB Graphics RAM
    • Raspberry Pi RP2040 dual-core Cortex-M0+ MCU @ 133 rate with 264 KB SRAM
  • Storage – USB attorney (optionally crapper ingest SD Card)
  • USB – USB-A ports for keyboard and mettlesome controllers
  • Video production – HDMI port
  • Audio – 3.5mm frequence jack
  • UEXT Port for element extensions
  • Power – USB-C noesis cater connector
  • Dimensions – 80×55 mm with quaternary 3.3mm mounting holes

As mentioned early the commission features a two-processor falsehood that outperforms senior 6502-based systems, making the Neo6502 faster and more efficient. Additionally, it has an onboard buzzer that crapper be utilised for notifications or as a utterer patch activity games.

Neo6502 Interfaces
Neo6502 Board Interfaces

The planning conception of this commission is interesting, as you module requirement a USB-C telegram for planning the Neo6502 and that also powers the board, but to aggregation the RP2040 you requirement a USB-A to USB-A cable. The Neo6502 crapper be programmed with BASIC, PASCAL, and C via different compilers including Mad Pascal, Mad Assembler, and CC65. All the firmware, element organisation files (KiCad), and cipher are open-sourced, so every that along with warning cipher and diagram crapper be institute on Olimex’ Github repository.

Neo6502 Board Schematic
Neo6502 Board Schematic

The falsehood impact for the NEO6502 is rattling easy, every you requirement is a USB keyboard, an HDMI cable, and a TV/monitor. With these items, you crapper intend up and streaming in no time. To endeavor artist games on the NEO6502, you module requirement to separate Apple2 and Oric/Atmos emulators. These emulators are acquirable online and crapper be easily installed on the NEO6502. For more aggregation on the falsehood impact and another details, Olimex refers to Apostle Robson’s user manual and Wiki page.

The Olimex NEO6502 crapper be purchased for EUR 30.00 or around $32.21 on Olimex’s online store.

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Olimex NEO6502 is a W65C02 and Raspberry Pi RP2040-powered retrospective machine with HDMI, USB, and more #Olimex #NEO6502 #W65C02 #Raspberry #RP2040powered #retro #computer #HDMI #USB

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