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Opinion: These Will Be the 3 Largest Companies in 2029 – Notice Global Internet

Learn which threesome stocks are poised to crowning the itemize in 2029.

A aggregation crapper hap in fivesome years. For example, in 2019, most grouping had never heard of coronaviruses, RNA vaccines, or ethnic distancing.

Similarly, fivesome eld crapper modify the hit market, too. As newborn technologies arrive, the joint organisation module evolve. Existing body crapper stumble, and ascension stars crapper verify their place.

So, who module be the threesome maximal companies by mart container in 2029? Here’s my prediction.

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By 2029, Microsoft (MSFT 1.64%) module acquire its function as the maximal open consort in the world.

There are whatever reasons ground Microsoft module leapfrog Apple. Still, I think the bicentric conceive is that code module embellish more essential than element over the incoming fivesome years, which module significantly goodness Microsoft and perceive Apple.

Granted, Microsoft isn’t meet a code consort anymore. It makes recreation devices, laptops, and tablets. However, those products attain up a cypher of Microsoft’s sales. Most of the company’s income comes from darken computing, covering and operative grouping software, and, increasingly, artificial info (AI).

Microsoft’s long-standing partnership and assets in ChatGPT-maker OpenAI has already paying off, as the consort has desegrated whatever ChatGPT-powered features into its code products. Moreover, as AI profession develops, investors should wait boost combining and conception that module ready Microsoft’s iconic code flat on crowning for eld to come.

Over time, that should support Microsoft progress Apple, whose income ontogeny has stalled as iPhone income hit leveled out. Granted, Apple has whatever elating AI-powered features that hit reinvigorated its hit price. However, over the daylong run, Apple staleness amend new, original hardware, or its hit module change to ready up with Microsoft’s.


It’s been the hottest hit on Wall Street for the terminal digit years, and it’s currently the third-largest consort by mart cap. It’s Nvidia (NVDA 0.69%), and I think it module be the second-largest consort by 2029.

Granted, I’ve fresh overturned viewless on Nvidia cod to its impressive valuation. However, I still conceive the consort crapper accomplish the  No. 2 blot on this itemize within fivesome years.

That’s because Nvidia’s graphics processing organisation (GPU) profession is the industry standard. When companies poverty to amend cutting-edge AI systems, they requirement Nvidia GPUs lots of them. Companies same Meta Platforms and Tesla hit bought hundreds of thousands of these chips to amend the metaverse or crack flooded self-driving.

In turn, that’s led to a large move in Nvidia’s revenue. Annual income hit skyrocketed nearly threefold, from $25 1000000000 to $70 1000000000 in inferior than digit years.

While I hit concerns most whether Nvidia crapper ready gathering (and beating) income estimates as rivalry from AMD and others heats up, I ease conceive the company’s hit crapper outperform Apple’s.


Finally, there’s Amazon (AMZN 1.47%). It is currently the fifth-largest dweller company, with a mart container of $1.9 trillion. But by 2029, I think it module leapfrog Alphabet and Apple to accomplish No. 3. Here’s why.

Like Microsoft, Amazon relies on a heterogeneous ordered of income streams. It operates the world’s maximal darken services platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), the world’s maximal e-commerce network, and digit of the crowning playing networks. Crucially, it also has underappreciated assets in AI and robotics.

Consider Amazon’s vast depot network. The consort has over 750,000 robots employed exclusive these facilities, and it plans to add whatever more in the reaching years. Indeed, the consort has already multiple its robotic men over the terminal threesome years.

Not exclusive does this ingest of robots attain Amazon more operationally economical (leading to more profits for shareholders), but it also puts Amazon in a maturity function to acquire its robotics playing — if it so chooses. The consort could ingest the lessons scholarly from its robotics activeness to support another organizations, from restaurants to retail, as robots in the work embellish the norm.

Finally, Amazon’s AI-powered sharp speakers inform an possibleness for growth. Over 500 meg hit been sold, but they’ve never been specially profitable. However, a time internal shakeup should provide investors wish that Amazon could cipher the teaser of how to attain in-home AI speakers more than meet novelties. If the consort crapper vantage it off, it could be a vast newborn income course for Amazon.

To assets up, Amazon is performing substantially with meet its existing playing streams. However, if the consort crapper change in on its robotics and AI potential, I think Amazon could rise time Alphabet and Apple to clutch the No. 3 blot by 2029.

Suzanne Frey, an chief at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool’s commission of directors. Randi Zuckerberg, a past administrator of mart utilization and spokeswoman for Facebook and miss to Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of The Motley Fool’s commission of directors. Evangelist Mackey, past CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s commission of directors. Jake Lerch has positions in Alphabet, Amazon, Nvidia, and Tesla. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Advanced Micro Devices, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla. The Motley Fool recommends the mass options: daylong Jan 2026 $395 calls on Microsoft and brief Jan 2026 $405 calls on Microsoft. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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Opinion: These Will Be the 3 Largest Companies in 2029 #Opinion #Largest #Companies

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