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Over 100,000 People Removed from Social Security – Journal Global Web

Nationwide, more than 100,000 grouping hit been distant from SSI in the instance year, according to accumulation from the Social Security Administration (SSA).

The sort of grouping claiming Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits dropped by 119,395 between May 2023, when 7,380,737 payments were made, and May 2024, when 7,261,342 grouping customary impairment checks.

Adults and children with disabilities, or who are blind, with lowercase to no income are suitable to obtain SSI. The eld of SSI claimants are those in this category, making up around 6.1 meg of the 7.2 meg on the SSA’s section for this identify of benefit. The another 1.1 meg are in the 65 and over category.

Across the digit eligibility categories, more unfit or blindfold recipients were no individual aggregation the goodness in 2024, with a turn modify of 140,034, downbound from 6,281,068 in May 2023 to 6,141,034 in May 2024. The coverall sort of claimants in the 65 nonnegative collection chromatic from 1,099,669 to 1,120,308 – an process of 20,639.

A enter picture of a mortal retentive a travel stick. SSI benefits are provided to support those with blindness, a disability, or who are over 65 with restricted or no income or resources.


It isn’t directly country connector the sort of unfit or blindfold SSI recipients declined within the instance period. Newsweek has contacted the SSA for interpret via email.

Some states saw more than 10,000 grouping no individual qualified to obtain SSI benefits. California, which has the maximal sort of grouping claiming crossways every 50 states, saw a modify of 16,573 SSI claims between May 2023 and 2024. The eld of these were those who are thoughtful blindfold or disabled, with the sort of claimants descending from 708,695 in this collection to 690,351 – message more than 17,000 are no individual aggregation impairment benefits.

Texas had 14,587 inferior SSI claims than in May 2023, from 591,710 downbound to 577,123. Other population-dense states also saw drops in the sort of claimants, with New York’s sort of SSI claimants descending from 568,777 to 559,222.

In another states, the drawing of grouping claiming SSI benefits stayed roughly the same. The turn of SSI recipients in North Siouan dropped by exclusive 17 people, from 7,923 terminal assemblage to 7,906 this year. All but digit of these was a unfit or blindfold recipient.

Small changes were also reportable in another states, including Rhode Island, where the sort of beneficiaries from year-to-year fluctuated by around 300 people, from 30,317 in 2023 to 30,015 this May.

Last month, the SSA declared a field modify to the artefact it makes decisions regarding claims for SSI and Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. The polity authority said it would vanish a sort of noncurrent or seldom performed jobs, including occupations same craniate creator and gauge telegrapher, from a itemize utilised to watch whether an individual for impairment benefits crapper action that employ supported on their abilities.

An SSA representative addicted to Newsweek that the changes became trenchant as of June 22, 2024.