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Prime drinks consort sued in stylemark housing by US athletics NGO – Information Global Online

The NGO filed the causa in river on Friday, and also accused Prime of using the trademarks in internet campaigns and promotions.

The lawsuit, seen by the BBC’s relation CBS News, external, said that consumers could be misled into intellection there is an commendation between the US athletics and Paralympic Committee and Prime.

The methodicalness said it had issued a cease and desist honor to Prime, but the drinks sort had continuing to mart the product, using the branding.

Criticism has previously been levelled at the consort cod to it existence marketed at a junior audience, with whatever schools in the UK supply warnings or choosing to forbiddance it.

While the company’s forcefulness ingest contains caffeine, it also sells a ingest marketed for “hydration”, which is caffeine-free.

Earlier this month, US senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called for an enquiry into the brand cod to the broad alkaloid noesis of its forcefulness drink.

Responding to this, Prime has said that it complies with restrictive requirements in the countries it operates in.

Prime founders Logan Apostle and KSI hit over 40 meg YouTube mass between them.

Prime was free in the UK with such hype in 2022 – resulting in whatever shops limiting the sort of bottles which could be oversubscribed per customer. It has collaborated with whatever of the large fair stars and teams in the concern including Arsenal and the LA Dodgers.

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Prime drinks consort sued in stylemark housing by US athletics NGO #Prime #drinks #company #sued #trademark #case #Olympic #committee

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