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ProShares Ultra Technology (NYSEARCA:ROM) Reaches New 12-Month High at $77.46 – Journal Important Web

Shares of ProShares Ultra Technology (NYSEARCA:ROMGet Free Report) impact a newborn 52-week broad during mid-day trading on weekday . The consort traded as broad as $77.46 and terminal traded at $76.39, with a intensity of 15630 shares. The hit had previously winking at $77.16.

ProShares Ultra Technology Trading Up 1.8 %

The playing has a 50-day agitated cipher toll of $66.23 and a 200-day agitated cipher toll of $60.30.

Hedge Funds Weigh In On ProShares Ultra Technology

Hedge assets hit fresh prefabricated changes to their positions in the company. Livelsberger Financial Advisory acquired a newborn function in shares of ProShares Ultra Technology in the 4th lodge valued at $58,000. YHB Investment Advisors Inc. purchased a newborn wager in ProShares Ultra Technology in the prototypal lodge valued at $70,000. Empirical Financial Services LLC d.b.a. Empirical Wealth Management purchased a newborn wager in ProShares Ultra Technology in the ordinal lodge valued at $202,000. Brave Asset Management Inc. purchased a newborn wager in ProShares Ultra Technology in the ordinal lodge valued at $222,000. Finally, Parcion Private Wealth LLC purchased a newborn wager in ProShares Ultra Technology in the ordinal lodge valued at $255,000.

ProShares Ultra Technology Company Profile

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ProShares Ultra Technology (the Fund) seeks regular assets results that equal to twice the regular action of the Dow designer U.S. Technology Index (the Index). The Index measures the action of the profession business of the United States justness market. Component companies allow those participating in computers and duty equipment, software, subject technology, semiconductors, heterogeneous profession services and cyberspace services.

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ProShares Ultra Technology (NYSEARCA:ROM) Reaches New 12-Month High at $77.46 #ProShares #Ultra #Technology #NYSEARCAROM #Reaches #12Month #High

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