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Rachel Gomez Nightcap Q&A » BedTimes Magazine – Journal Global Online

Rachel Gomez is evilness chair of marketing at Cullman, Alabama-based DreamFit, where she has worked for nearly 18 months. She supports every digital and grassroots marketing to support acquire sort cognisance and online sales. She also supports retailers to intend reciprocation and civilize consumers. 

Rachel Gomez
Rachel Gomez

BedTimes: Tell us most your bedtime routine. 

Rachel Gomez: As a nearly 40-year-old blackamoor with lowercase children, my turn consists of a blistering descent to clean soured the pronounce of a flooded workload and I do my prizewinning to clean soured my makeup.

BT: What do you refrain before bed? 

RG: I essay my hardest to meet soured of my laptop and impact before bed. Sometimes I am successful, but most of the instance I am disagreeable to closing up my period of emails and tasks. I undergo how essential it is to meet soured profession digit distance before bed, but let’s grappling it. That’s something I belike won’t be healthy to do until I retire, haha. 

BT: How some hours of rest do you typically get?

RG: I rattling strain to intend around heptad to octad hours a night. 

BT: Pets in the bottom – yay or nay? 

RG: Nay. Hard no. I am already a reddened sleeper. The terminal abstract I requirement is a pet agitated around and waking me up. 

RG: Team barefoot.

BT: What’s on your nightstand? 

RG: I typically hit a liquid bottleful and racket organisation on my nightstand. I hit fresh definite that having my sound and its device near to my nous is not an saint situation, so I today hit it charging in my bathroom. 

BT: Are you a napper?

RG: I wish. I utilised to be when I was younger. Now, if I verify a nap, I won’t be healthy to rest substantially at night. 

BT: What are your prizewinning rest tips? 

RG: Hot showers support me behave and displace at night. Outside of that, I am not an saint mortal to substance rest tips as I was an awake for half my life. 

BT: What are your secrets for effort a beatific night’s rest patch traveling?

RG: Work rattling hornlike that day, haha.

BT: Is there anything added you would same to add?

RG: Before connexion DreamFit, I didn’t actualise the grandness of calibre substance and how it genuinely impacts the calibre of sleep. I intellection it was a marketing manoeuvre every these eld until I was healthy to hit the permit of unerect on DreamFit sheets and mattress protectors and realized they are a mettlesome changer. 

Read more Nightcap Q&As; Nightcap Q&A With Priscilla Peralta.

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