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Reader’s View: NLX an long money incurvature for taxpayers – metropolis News Tribune – Information Important Web

A one-way listing aboard the planned Northern Lights Express, or NLX, condition is due to outlay $30, as the

News Tribune reportable in May

. So, quaternary grouping from metropolis to metropolis and backwards would outlay $240. That’s versus a cell of pedal for $60 in your possess car.

Then, what do you do to intend around in the Twin Cities? Spend more money.

The jillions of taxpayer dollars for NLX should be place into anchorage and bridges that everybody in Minnesota would goodness from, not meet a superior few. I would not intend 80 to 100-plus miles to metropolis to mate on the NLX train. Might as substantially intend to Minneapolis.

According to St. gladiator County Commissioner Keith Nelson, lead of the Rail Alliance, this would be paying for with taxpayer dollars. I see this strength goodness meet a some destined people, but that would be everybody’s set dollars. Even with the sticking ridership of 250,000 people, admiral said the NLX would requirement added subsidies to separate — more taxpayer money!

Think most it.

Terry Cartwright


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Reader’s View: NLX an long money incurvature for taxpayers – metropolis News Tribune #Readers #View #NLX #endless #money #pit #taxpayers #Duluth #News #Tribune

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