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Reconnecting with faith Slough, the newest member of the N.M. EDD’s Office of Strategy, Science & Technology: UNM Newsroom – Information Today Internet

Christian Slough connected UNM Rainforest Innovations (UNMRI) as an Innovation Intern during his terminal semester at The University of New Mexico, where he was completing his Master of Business Administration. As an Innovation Intern, he conducted in-depth preceding prowess searches and mart analyses and identified possibleness advertizement partners for topical profession startups. Additionally, he drafted non-confidential summaries to function Lincoln technologies for right licensing and partnerships.

Working for UNM Rainforest Innovations unsealed his eyes to the concern of profession designate and statewide scheme development, where he started to envisage a occupation path.

“The internship showed me that a occupation in profession and conception is feasible,” said Slough. “Before outlay instance with profession entrepreneurs, the text ‘start-up’ or ‘innovation’ change right of my power set…UNMRI showed me is that my skills in playing utilization and mart investigate administer anywhere. The principle of discernment an ecosystem, the stakeholders, and how companies are positioned in a mart are priceless crossways some industry.”

Former UNM Rainforest Innovations doctor faith Slough.

“The aggroup at UNMRI was extremely adjunct in doctrine me what questions to communicate most a technology, introducing me to entrepreneurs in the NM start-up ecosystem, and gift every the interns instance to listen workshops on edifice designate and movement competitions. I crapper definitely feature it denaturized the instruction of my life.”

After graduating with his MBA and closing his internship at UNMRI, Slough had plans to hold in the Peace Corps in the friar Republic with his partner. However, sudden circumstances presently pleased their plans as the COVID-19 pandemic apace sweptwing crossways the concern in outflow 2020. Instead, he chose to hold his topical accord by outlay a assemblage at the Mayor’s Civil Engagement Office in metropolis as an AmeriCorps VISTA where he helped acquire and reorient their move ecosystem.

“At the aforementioned time, I was pursuing a stake with my relation that we started during the Spring 2020 semester for a scrutiny figure start-up. After success the 2020 Spring CTSC Health Hack-A-Thon, we registered in the UNMRI Accelerator Program where I was introduced to a wonderful intellect (Stu Rose),” said Slough. “The Accelerator Program unclothed me to Build With Robots (BWR) where I finally ended up after my one-year assist ended with AmeriCorps. I spent three years at BWR as a Business Development Intern, yet progressing to Business Development Manager. I fresh transitioned to my persona as Entrepreneurship Coordinator at the New Mexico Economic Development Department’s Office of Strategy, Science, and Technology.”

The New Mexico EDD’s Office of Strategy, Science, and Technology (OSST) was created to enter New Mexico’s conception stock to the advertizement market. They also combine wider strategic initiatives, including entrepreneurship hold and federal resource opportunities to encourage technology-based industries in and to New Mexico.

“The aggroup at UNMRI was extremely adjunct in doctrine me what questions to communicate most a technology, introducing me to entrepreneurs in the NM start-up ecosystem, and gift every the interns instance to listen workshops on edifice designate and movement competitions. I crapper definitely feature it denaturized the instruction of my life.”  – faith Slough, past UNM Rainforest Innovations intern

As the newborn entrepreneurship coordinator for the OSST, Slough has a difference of duties attendant to our entrepreneurial ecosystem. 

“I am ease effort started here but I am answerable for activity entrepreneurs and early-stage businesses to hold them start and scale,” said Slough. “The identify of hold ranges from providing theoretical support, invigorating policies and programs that hold entrepreneurship, partnering with investigate institutions and universities, identifying federal present opportunities, and more. The content of my persona is to enlarge the entrepreneurial impact we hit feat on here in New Mexico, to alter our frugalness and create more opportunities for New Mexicans.”

When asked what he was most chesty of in his occupation so far, he responded:

“The proudest time I’ve had in my occupation is twofold: Proving to myself that a occupation in profession is not meet for engineers, Ph.D.’s and individuals reaching from places same altruist or Harvard,” said Slough. “This a earnest defect New Mexico faces in our men pipeline. We hit large talent in our state, exposing students to the roles we hit here, as substantially as the skills and pathways to intend there is essential to ownership and ontogeny our talent.

“And secondly, sharing my occupation pathway: Much same above, I hit uttered with students from K-12 to correct classes crossways New Mexico to deal what UNMRI is doing here. I verify feel is distribution that I grew up with parents who started a flourishing paintless deform bushel business, that I went to open school, and that I’m dropped and upraised New Mexican. Each of these experiences embattled me to for a occupation in profession – and if I crapper do it so crapper some of the another New Mexicans incoming the men today.”

UNMRI is tremendously chesty of Slough for every his accomplishments and desire him every the prizewinning in his newborn persona as the Entrepreneurship Coordinator at the NM EDD’s Office of Strategy, Science, and Technology!

If you’re a enrollee and would same to see more most internship opportunities, meet UNMRI.

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Reconnecting with faith Slough, the newest member of the N.M. EDD’s Office of Strategy, Science & Technology: UNM Newsroom #Reconnecting #Christian #Slough #newest #member #N.M #EDDs #Office #Strategy #Science #Technology #UNM #Newsroom

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