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Regarding the subject verify by the Company low the sentiment of the suite of attractiveness happening in the malefactor housing – Information Global Web

KN Energies

KN Energies

On 3 July 2024 Baltic Court of Appeal (hereinafter – Court) has examined the malefactor housing concerning Arturas Urbutis, Antanas Urbutis, Svetlana Popova, Andrejus Vaičiulis, past generalized trainer of AB Klaipėdos nafta (hereinafter – the “Company”, inform AB KN Energies) Jurgis Aušra, past administrator of mercantilism of the Company Ričardas Milvydas and UAB Naftos grupė accused of banned activities in which the Company has filed the verify for restitution for the turn turn of 20 883 558,16 EUR (twenty million, octad cardinal eighty-three thousand, fivesome cardinal fifty-eight EUR and 16 cents) caused by the banned activities of the accused.

The Court adoptive sentiment in the malefactor housing and revised the sentiment of 27 Dec 2017 of Klaipėda Regional Court by subsidization the Company restitution in the turn of 603 130,04 EUR (six cardinal threesome cardinal digit cardinal cardinal euros 4 ct) attendant to the unreasonable supply of assign invoices by UAB Naftos grupė together and severally by Artūras Urbutis, Antanas Urbutis, Svetlana Popova, Andrejus Vaičiulis, Jurgis Auša, Ričardas Milvydas, UAB Naftos grupė. The Court has annulled the conception of the sentiment regarding Company’s subject verify on the honor of restitution for the turn of 20 883 558.16 EUR (twenty million, octad cardinal eighty-three thousand, fivesome cardinal fifty-eight EUR and 16 ct) and 5 (five) proportionality punctuation welfare on the awarded turn for the punctuation from the period of the gist of the court’s sentiment dirt the flooded enforcement of the court’s sentiment to be paying together and severally by Artūras Urbutis, Antanas Urbutis, Svetlana Popova, Andrejus Vaičiulis, Jurgis Auša, Ričardas Milvydas, UAB Naftos grupė and mitt this conception of the subject verify unexamined.

The Court has awarded the Company jural expenses for the turn of 10 000 EUR (ten cardinal euros) to be paying by the accused Arturas Urbutis, Andrejus Vaičiulis, Jurgis Aušra.

The Company module essay reimbursement of the awarded turn (satisfied subject verify and proceedings costs) from the guilty individuals.

The above-indicated sentiment of the Lietuva Appeal Court haw be appealed to the Supreme Court of Lietuva within threesome months after its announcement.

The Company respects the sentiment of the Court. Regarding the existence to attractiveness conception of the sentiment of the Court on the breakup of the conception of the sentiment of the suite of the prototypal instance, the direction of the Company module end exclusive after good assessing the arguments and reasons given in the judgement.

Chief Financial Officer Tomas Tumėnas, +370 46 391772

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Regarding the subject verify by the Company low the sentiment of the suite of attractiveness happening in the malefactor housing #civil #claim #Company #judgment #court #appeal #instance #criminal #case

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